Chapter 163: Snow and Warmth

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Loki: It's about Lucy...

Anna: What's wrong with Lucy? Is she okay? Is she in danger?

Loki stays quite for a few minutes, as he tries to find the words to correctly tell Anna what's been going on. This worries Anna as Loki is taking a while to answer.

Anna: Leo.

He raises his head and meets her stare.

Loki: We...the other spirits and myself are worried about Lucy.

Anna: What's going on with Lucy?

Loki: She was given a suspicious book, and we believe this book to be a danger.

Anna: What's so bad about the book?

Loki: According to Plue, who has been with Lucy every night. Lucy's been reading this book and she stays up all night trying to figure out what the book says, she's trying to decipher it.

Anna crosses her arms as she listens closely to Loki.

Loki: Plue said Lucy not only stays up all night reading the book, but she seems tired when ever she finishes reading it.

Anna: Well course she'll be. She stays up all night reading this book why wouldn't she be tired.

Loki: It's not just that. The book is written in a different language. It's not Japanese or English. It's some sort of other language.

Anna: Plue has seen all of this?

Loki: Yeah, why would the little guy lie to us?

Anna: Do you know the name of the book?

Loki: Before I get to the name there is one more thing you need to know.

Anna: what is it?

Loki: Lucy....Lucy made contact with Zeref.

Anna: WHAT?!

She yells out loudly. Maki and Ghislaine immediately run towards where they heard Anna scream. When they arrive they spot Anna facing Loki.

Maki: Anna San? What's wrong?

Loki looks down in disappointment.

Loki: We tried to interfere with them meeting but we weren't aloud to make any contact with Zeref or Lucy per the Spirit Kings orders.

Anna: What do you mean? Why couldn't you stop her?!

Loki: My guess is Zeref had something to do with it.

Anna slams her hand against the wall.

Anna: Dammit!

Loki: I believe as so does the Spirit king, that the book Lucy is reading is cursed.

Anna: What?

Loki: Plue described the book to us, and we believe it's cursed. Plue took a photo of it, it's blurry but you can just barely make out the title of it.

Loki pulls out his phone and shows Anna the book. Her eyes widen when she reads the title.

Anna: There's no way...

She raises her head and looks at Loki.

Anna: This...this book...he couldn't have wrote it. There's no way...

Loki: Like I said, the picture is blurry but we believe it's a cursed book, and Lucy has her hands on this book. It could be dangerous not only to her but to her friends and you guys as well.

Maki: What book?

Anna turns around and sees Maki and Ghislaine. She turns back around and sees Loki's disappointed face.

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