Chapter 68: The War Princess

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???: Time Goddess. As of today you are not DiMaria Yesta. You are the Time Goddess. You will work for us and do as we say. If you defy us in any way we will strip you of your powers and you will be but a simple human once more.

DiMaria opens her eyes. She stares at the ceiling as she sits up and takes a look to her left seeing the sun begins to rise.

DiMaria: Again...again with the same dream. I guess Mira was right when she told me that dreams like these aren't normal. Could it be that my brain is trying to tell me something? But if I tell Natsu the truth would he still want me to be part of his clan...?

She hears a soft knock on the door, which catches her attention.

DiMaria: Yes?

Natsu: oh good you're awake, come on it's time for us to go back home.

He says as he opens the door and gives DiMaria a warm smile. She looks away and just nods her head.
A few hours later everyone has gotten ready to leave and go back home.

Karameel: Lord Mercphobia allow me to be the first one to thank you for saving us, and for helping Irene sama and the others rescue Natsu.

She says as she bows her head.

Mercphobia: No need to thank me Karameel. Every single one of you are my friends. I will do it over if you are ever in danger.

Natsu: Thanks Mercphobia I really do appreciate it.

Mercphobia: Like I said don't mention it. Now more than ever us dragons have to stick together. With what Zeus accomplished our existence has now been exposed. Along with the rest of the magical world. Devils, angels, fallen angels, even humans with magical abilities have the spot light on them. Humans will be more aggressive towards each other since we all hide amongst them. So please do be careful everyone. This world, our world isn't safe anymore.

Karameel: Thank you for your kind words my lord.

Brandish: quick question...if what you guys said is true, and our base is destroyed where are we going to live?

Natsu: that's guys said Zeus's attack aimed for the tower. I guess we have to look for a new place to stay.

Mercphobia giggled.

Brandish: what's so funny?

Mercphobia: Karameel did you not tell your friends?

Karameel: Huh..? Oh! You're right I totally forgot! Guys you don't have to worry. Some of Ermina's best engineers traveled to Tokyo and rebuilt the tower! It's as if was never destroyed!

Mira: what? Seriously?!

Wendy: That's amazing! Thank you Mercphobia San!

Mercphobia: Don't mention it little one. We are all here to help each other. Also one more thing.

Natsu: Hmm? what is it?

Mercphobia: I have also provided aid to the people of Southern Japan. We had new homes built for them, new businesses to get the island back to its glory, and we went ahead and planted numerous crops around the area so you guys can harvest food.

Brandish: so we have to go out and find our own food?

Mira hits Brandish behind the head causing her to hit the ground.

Mira: Don't mind her Mercphobia, what she tried to say is thank you very much.

Brandish struggles to get up, then looks at Mira who has a very scary look in her eyes causing Brandish to bow.

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