Chapter 37: See it with your own eyes

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Once the mighty dragon Acnologia had finished talking to Anna, he disappeared to somewhere in the city where she couldn't find him. Knowing the bond they have, and the short history they share he knows it won't take Anna long to find him again. In order to avoid that he has to be in constant movement, not just for his sake but to fulfill his goal. The sun began to rise over the horizon. It was a new day, the sun peaked as the people of Japan began to wake up and try to forget about the tragedy that occurred and try to move on. Some of the citizens with what ever supplies they have, have opened small food stands to feed people who are in need. Of course they don't charge them. Even with heavy military presences at every corner the people try to make needs end. For the people, they see it as "if the government has let us down during this time, then we will take matters into our own hands." The help of guilds in nearby towns have also helped, but even with this slight ray of light there is still much to be fixed. For some civilians, they have had to build small sheds out of the scrap left behind by the destruction, while others who's homes haven't been completely destroyed have improvised. Electricity is scares in some places.
Other have, but most of the people have begun to use solar power energy to have some sort of power during the night. Acnologia who is watching this happen is amazed to see that humans now are more capable then they were 400 years ago. He watched from on top of a building seeing how the humans would adapt, while at the same time avoid being detected by the military. He stood up as he was sitting on the edge looking down, he was going to move positions again but his stomach began to rumble.

Acnologia: Dammit..

He says as he remembers he hasn't had a decent meal in quite some time. He looks around from his place, looking for any food venders when he spots one. He begins to scan for a safe place to land where he won't be detected or cause too many alerts. He finds one just underneath him, a nice secluded ally. He leaps down landing gently on the ground. He rises his hood over his head to avoid people from seeing his face. He walked out the ally and began to make his way towards the food vender. Upon arrival he could smell the food that was being cooked. His stomach began to growl even louder the closer he got. The food vendor lady looked at him weird as she smiled and continued to cook. Acnologia just stood there hypnotized by the way the women would move her hands during cooking.

Food vendor lady: Are you hungry?

Acnologia slightly looked up at the lady without exposing too much of his face and nods his head. She smiled and prepared him some food and handed it to him. The steam from the food ambushes Acnologia's sense of smell. He looked at the weird looking dish, he smelled it again just to be sure. That's when the women spoke out.

Food vendor lady: Eat it before it gets cold.

She says with a gently voice. Acnologia lifted the fork and took a piece and ate it. The delicious dish melted in his mouth. His eyes opened wide as he couldn't hold him self back any longer and ate the entire thing in one gulp.

Acnologia: what...what is this?! It is delicious!

Food vendor lady: Thank you! It's called an omelette

Acnologia: A what? Umm lette?

The lady began to laugh at what Acnologia said. She wipes the tear that ran down her eye.

Food vendor Lady: no silly, Omelette. It's a dish made with eggs and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Acnologia: ome-lette?

Food vendor lady: Yup! There you go omelette. Would you like some more?

Acnologia looks down at his empty dish and extends his arm out. The lady smiles and places another omelette on his dish. After two hours of eating Acnologia was finally finished. The food vendor lady was amazed to see someone eat so much in two hours. She looked for more ingredients and found out she had ran out for the day. Acnologia looked at the woman's stunned face.

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