Chapter 7: Dark Valkyrie

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Natsu leaps off the pile of bodies, Azazel uses his magic to send all of the fallen angels back to prison. Natsu takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

Natsu: Alright here we go. Brynhildr.

She turns her eyes to look at him, as do the rest of the students.

Natsu: You're the strongest valkyrie right?

Brynhildr doesn't say a word to him. It's well known to Rias and Gabriel that Brynhildr dislikes Natsu for killing Odín. Even after time and time again of the two of them explaining why he did it, Brynhildr doesn't care. To her Natsu is a murderer, a criminal who hasn't been brought to justice. Brynhildr's biggest failure.

Natsu: I don't think we had the chance to fight during the war. If my memory serves me right one of my friends kicked your ass.

He puts his hand underneath his chin thinking back to a year ago. Brynhildr begins to get irritated by this. Natsu smiles knowing his provocation is working.

Natsu: Okay class for today's lesson we will learn how to properly protect your king. Think of this as a Rating game. If the king falls the game is over. Isn't that right Rias?

Rias: I don't know what your doing but...

Natsu: isn't that right Rias?

He says again in a demanding voice not allowing Rias to finish. She reluctantly answers

Rias: Yes.

Natsu: It is well known that one of your classmates in attendance today didn't do a good job at protecting her master. As a matter a fact she hates me because of it.

The students are confused as to what Natsu is referring to. Meanwhile Brynhildr is trying her hardest not to attack Natsu. She clenches her fist so hard she begins to bleed, Gabriel notices this.

Natsu: She blames me for her killing her master. She blames me for her failures. Even after time and time again of her friends telling her what her master did she doesn't care. So I'm giving you the chance right here and now Brynhildr. Want to avenge Odin's death?

Natsu spreads his arms wide open exposing himself.

Natsu: Go right ahead. Strike me down. Kill me like I killed Odín.

Brynhildr: Bastard!!

Brynhildr launches her self at full speed going to attack Natsu.

Rias: Brynhildr!

As she extends her fist to punch Natsu, he moves two steps to his left completely dodging her punch. He puts his hands in his pockets, while Brynhildr in anger lashes out at Natsu again, she barrages him with a fury of punches. Natsu dodging them all.
On her last punch Natsu dodges it and kicks her in the gut pushing her all the back towards the group of students. The students catch her as she falls to her knees and vomits out blood. He then walks closer to the group.

Natsu: You were to predictable Brynhildr.

Brynhildr: shut...up...!

She says groaning in pain from just one kick by Natsu.

Natsu: I was led to think that you were strong.

Natsu disappears and appears again in front of Brynhildr. The other students are freaked out by his speed making them all take a step back. Natsu cocks his right leg back and kicks Brynhildr across the face sending her crashing the a near by trees.

Natsu: You know. I have a clan member who told me she looks up to you. She thinks of you as a sister. As a matter of fact she was the one who told me you were strong.

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