Chapter 133: Stained By Hate

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Natsu: Zentetsuken! Roar!!

An enormous ball of light took shape as it quickly dissolved and another explosion occurred. This blast shook the entire country of China. The huge mushroom cloud could be seen for miles. The impact of the blast was so strong aftershocks were still being felt even when the blast was over and done with. Of course those closer to it felt the most impact as those who were farther but all the same everyone felt it. Mira and the rest of the girls who were still lost where just a few out of millions of residents who felt the pressure, they saw and heard this bomb like attack go off.

Ultear: what the hell?

Minerva: Is the city being attacked?

They were both confused as to what was going on, having no clue who or what caused this. Mira on the other knew this isn't just any attack.

Mira: Let's go check it out.

Ultear: Are you sure that's the right thing to do? I mean we are strangers in an unknown country.

Mira: That's true...but we came here because of Natsu.

She looks towards her clan mark and sees that is shining softly.

Mira: My gut is telling me to head in that direction.

Minerva: What if your gut is wrong?

Mira: If it is then we will use that as a signal so Natsu can find us.

Minerva and Ultear nod there heads agreeing with Mira. Once they all agreed they began to run in the direction of the blast as thousands fled away from it. Erza who wasn't to far from everything also wondered what was going on she could also see this blast go off. She had no idea what was going on. What made things worse is that she can't communicate with anyone to ask what is going on because of the language barrier. The waiter who helped her is one of the first to evacuate along with the other citizens so she was left alone.

Erza: What do I do? There's no way I can find out what's going on. Dammit I hope Mira already arrived or Ultear but I can't find them. Forget it I'll just head towards this thing. Anything happens I'll just avoid any conflict.

She takes off running towards the palace seeing many others fleeing. Once everything seemed to have calmed down and the clouds have all been blown away the after math of what just happened starts coming into focus. The once sturdy and monumentos Chen Zhu Palace became rubble. Temple buildings destroyed, the gardens that surrounded the temple and gave it, it's beauty all burned. The soldiers who protected the temple, the ones who were clearing it of the people inside all were caught in the blast. Ashes were all that remained from everything. Xian was lucky enough to survive thanks to Hotaru who put a protective barrier around them both. Sora and Sorashi also survived. DiMaria barely managed to escape just a few seconds away before the blast consumed her. Everyone lowered there protective barriers and awaited to see who emerged from the blast first. Someone was seen leaping away from the center of impact as a trail of smoke followed them. This individual landed next to Sora, Sorashi and Hotaru.

Sora: Mom?

Tsukuyomi began to raise to her feet as clearly she couldn't escape without injuries. The others looked as she is visibly shaken that someone like her could get hurt. DiMaria looked towards the center and waited in anticipation hoping Natsu would come out. After a few more minutes the smoke had finally cleared and there stood Natsu, standing tall with Zentetsuken in hand. DiMaria smiles seeing that he is okay. She quickly made it back to him.

DiMaria: Are you okay?

Natsu looked at her and put Zentetsuken over His shoulder.

Natsu: Yeah. I was just hoping that would have ended all of this.

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