Chapter 36: Dragon Hunter

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Acnologia: you're the woman who healed me!

Anna: Yes it's me, and I have a name did you forget it?!

Acnologia scuffs hearing Anna scold him from not using her name.

Acnologia: Anna.

Anna: So you do remember!

She smiles at him but not for too long. She looks up at Acnologia with a serious look. He does the same.

Acnologia: what?

Anna: what happened to you? Why didn't you tell me?

Acnologia: I thought I made it clear once before.

Anna: Made it clear? All you did was put us in a barrier that slows down time for your own benefit!

Acnologia: I told you I wasn't sure if you could be trusted.

Anna: Trusted?! Acnologia, I picked herbs, made medicine, sold them and lived my life as a regular person. How could I possibly have done anything to you?!

Acnologia: Trusting others left people dead back in my time.

Anna: But I'm not like those people, and you should know that!

Acnologia: If you're expecting an apology from me, you're not getting one.

Anna: I didn't come here for an apology.

Acnologia just looks at Anna. She walks past him seeing how the city is in shambles. He turns around and joins her.

Anna: What happened to you? What led you down this path?

Acnologia: You expect me to answer your questions when you won't even let me ask one.

Anna: Then ask away.

Acnologia: how did you find out my name?

Anna: Honestly..I've been trying to search for you all this time. I'm sure you know what happened to Igneel and Grandine.

Acnologia looks down as he remembers the tragedy that led to those two dying.

Anna: Look at me.

He turns his head slightly looking at her.

Anna: What led you to becoming...this?

Acnologia looks forward at the city.

Acnologia: My family dying by the very same creatures I trusted.

Anna takes a hold of Acnologia's hand.

Anna: But now look at became the very thing you seek to destroy.

Acnologia: I had no other choice.

Anna: We all have a choice.

Acnologia: Not for me. I wanted to take vengeance for my family perishing and the only way I knew how to was by becoming one. It wasn't a very pleasurable process but it got me closer to my goal.

Anna: To kill all of your kin?

Acnologia abruptly turns to face Anna, angered by what she just said.

Acnologia: I am not like them!

Anna: Then what are you?! Human? Dragon? Monster?

Acnologia again looks away. He crouches down near the edge of the building.

Acnologia: I don't know...

She kneels close to him putting her arm on his shoulder.

Anna: If you don't know then allow me to help you. You can stop this crazy hunt. I'm sure you'll be forgiven.

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