The Storm

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Not long after the team had returned from their mission and where greeted by Steve, Tony suggested throwing a little party to celebrate their job well done.

Although they had just heard the news about Spider-Man's disappearance not many were worried for the wall crawler, Carol and Janet being exceptions to this still reluctantly joined in on the party.

Tony had started getting things ready for said Larry such as opening up the bar, preparing music and a dance floor even being confident that he would be lucky and get a bed ready for any would be guest to join him.

He also extended some invitations to some others like the X-men, the Fantastic Four and even king T'challa aka the Black Panther. Jennifer also extended an invitation to some other street level heroes that she'd worked with before like the defenders.

All in all the party was shaping up to be one of Tony's greatest, however he and the rest of the heroes would soon realise the importance of Spider-Man's presence and how badly that needed him in New York.

Inside the Raft Dr Octavius had began his evil plot, assembling some of the worst villains he could to stage a breakout and wreak havoc on New York with Spider-Man gone.

Joining the mad doctor was Kraven the hunter, Rhino, Electro, Shocker, Scorpion, Vulture, Mysterio, Sandman, Chameleon and a slew of others. Suffice to say the guards had no hope of stopping them and before they knew it the criminals had escaped.

"So what's the plan here Doc?" Yelled Scorpion as he fled with the others.

"Simple. We take over New York." Otto replied confidently.

"You really think it's gonna be that easy?" Vulture commented.

"Yes. Without Spider-Man to stop us we will be in control of this city on no time." Otto announced.

"And what about the other heroes, the Avengers?" Mysterio questioned.

"They are no threat. If they chose to fight we will destroy them along with the city. As well as any who stand in our way." He said maliciously.

The rest of the super villains smiled wickedly hearing the Doc say that they would be triumphant, this spurred them on and encouraged them to do as much damage as possible.

'However... my victory can only assured when Spider-Man is dead... by my hand.' Otto thought as they approached the city.

'But nevertheless, he is gone. And if he should ever show his face again... we will be waiting.' He thought with an even wider grin showing in his face.

The Avengers had begun their party early and welcomed any new arrivals who showed up after. Tony was behind the bar drinking along with Jen and Bucky, the three engaging in a little contest to which the two men were seriously outclassed by the Green female.

Carol sat with Janet as they both conversed quietly about the recent news of Spideys disappearance, but they were constantly interrupted by the obnoxious voices of Stark and Barton, not to mention Hank trying to get Janet's attention every few minutes.

They were later joined by Johnny and Ben from the Fantastic Four, Reed remained in his lab like usual and Sue refused to leave her kids alone, and with the news of Peters disappearance she couldn't bring herself to party like her brother.

Sue was hounded with questions by her kids about their uncle Spidey as they'd seen the newspaper and confronted their mother. She didn't know what to say but to offer words of encouragement and optimism that he would come back soon, anything to keep her children smiling.

The defenders showed up in tow with Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Danny Rand and Elektra. Luke and Jessica mainly kept to themselves having their own little drinking competition, Danny tried to mingle others while Daredevil and Elektra we're keeping by their distance.

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