Meeting about the Web

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Peter was chuffed with himself after he and Otto successfully completed Ultron and it seemed as though the android was curious and interested in them and not wanting their imminent demise.

However the feeling didn't last long as he was now due a meeting with Soria about his presence not just in this world but his lack of presence in the Web of Life.

He didn't fully understand how the Web worked and very rarely did he see it in a way Adriana or even Julia saw it, hence their connection being different to his.

He went off to search for the woman but he didn't know where she was, all she said was that she was staying at the base until the matter was resolved, so if she was in her room he didn't know which one was hers.

He found Kraven and his daughter in the common room having what seemed like a pleasant chat, something that he shouldn't be too surprised by seeing as they are much different to his worlds versions of them.

"Hey Kraven, Ana. How's things?" He greeted entering the room.

"We are fine Peter." Ana said smiling at his presence.

"Yes, we are well. Just discussing some details about animal preservation." Kraven added.

"Oh yea... that's cool." He complemented.

"It's good work." Ana replied.

"So what do you need my friend?" Asked Kraven.

"I'm looking for Soria, do you know where I can find her?" He asked.

"Hmm... she should be in her room." Ana answered.

"Y-yea, I figured as much but... I don't know which is hers." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Ana sighed and excused herself from her fathers company. "Cmon I'll show you. Be back soon." She said turning to look at her father who waved her off.

Ana led Peter down the hallway for the female living quarters. "Soria used to live here like the rest of us... but when Peter died... she couldn't handle it. So she left to be on her own." Ana told him sadly.

"Oh. I didn't know. Where the two of them close?" He asked wondering what their relationship was like.

"Sorta. Felicia told you already that you in relationships with other women right?" Ana wanted to clarify.

"Yea." He confirmed.

"Well... Soria wasn't that much different... but when she was around you it was like she was a different person. Extremely affectionate and a bit possessive, she wanted to spend every moment with you and was a little angered by the fact you married Lorena first over her." She explained.

"Really?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yep. So when you died... she basically shut down. She was depressed and somber all the time, then she just up and left. We tried our best to console her, we were all grieving but it seemed she took it a lot harder." Ana finished as she stopped outside Sorias room.

"Here you are." She said gesturing to the door before leaving them alone.

"Thanks." He called out to which she just waved as she walked away.

He sighed deeply before knocking on the door to her room and announcing himself. "Soria, it's me." He said slowly opening the door to enter her room.

Inside Sorias room it looked not that much different to his room, not much personalisation. He thought that she packed up all her things and took them with her when she left, the only thing was a single picture frame on the dresser.

Peter picked up the picture and was surprised to see himself stood next to Soria, he arm was entwined with his and she was pressing herself rather closely to him, almost clinging. They both had smiles on their faces but Soria had a look of longing on her face as her face wasn't towards the camera but the man beside her and a deep blush some was across her cheeks.

'She must have really cared about him.' Peter surmised putting the picture down.

He turned his direction to the door in the room that began to open, but before he could say anything g he felt a hitch in his throat and red blush appeared as he quickly turned away. Soria had just walked out freshly cleaned from a shower, her hair clung loosely to her and she covered herself with nothing but a towel.

"S-Soria... I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were... ya know..." Peter rattled off nervously.

"It's fine. So I take it your ready to discuss your connection to the web?" She guess his reasons for being in her room.

"Y-yea... do... do you want to get dressed first." He asked cautiously.

Sighing deeply Soria flicked her wrists and from her finger tips webbing began to form, slinging them over her body she made a makeshift suit to cover herself. "There, now we can talk." She said irritated.

Peter turned and was shocked to see her organic webbing, something his Soria wasn't able to do, or at least he never saw her do it.

"You... you have organic webbing?" He questioned amazed.

"Yes. Is that weird?" She retorted.

"Well, the Adriana in my world never showed any signs of having that particular power. In fact the organic webbing from the finger tips is something only Cindys ever done." Peter informed her.

"Interesting. So there are differences not just in our alignments but even our powers." Soria pointed out.

"Your the only one so far who's powers are slightly different." He corrected her statement.

"Anyway. You are ready to explain why your connection is off in this world and why I cannot see you in the Web?" She questioned him again.

"Yes. About that actually... Otto and I were talking and... is this something that the rest of the team should know about? The only ones in my world who know about the Web are the people who are in the Web, so to speak." Peter brought up his and Ottos previous conversation about revealing the workings of the Web of life to the team.

"Hmm. The Web is a sacred thing. I don't believe there are any rules against telling others if it's nature. If you want them to know I have no objections." She suggested.

"Fine. We should tell them... are you ok with waiting a bit longer to have a meeting with the rest of the team?" He asked hoping she was ok with it.

"Huh. Fine, call a meeting with the team and we shall discuss everything. Go." She ushered him out as her patience was wearing thin at his delays.

Peter was gently nudged out of the room by Soria and he set off to call a meeting with the team so he could explain to Soria the mystery of his connection to the Web and for he and Soria to explain the workings and function of the Web of Life.

After the door was closed Adriana leaned against the door, her hands were balled into fists as they rested on the door, her forehead pressing against the door between her hands as she slowly wept.

"Oh Peter... I've missed you." She lowly spoke as her tears began to run down her cheeks.

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