The clam before the storm

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The news of Spider-Man's disappearance was spread all around New York via the Daily Bugles new front pager.

A few heroes had already known of his disappearance such as Reed, Sue and Ben from the Fantastic Four.

Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha and Bruce out of the Avengers knew and of course the entire order of the web thanks to Julia who originally felt his disappearance.

At the X-Mansion however the news of his disappearance had only arrived and Jean was the first to know as she and the Phoenix agreed to look for him. The other members soon found out when they too read the paper, something that caused the mutant with Adamantium claws to get angered of his blood brothers absence.

Logan was boiling with rage as he read the Bugles latest scoop on the wall crawler, he had been gone a whole day with no sightings anywhere aside from a few people who had seen him swinging with something tucked under his arm.

Logan was soon brought out of his rage as a few of the other mutants had come to ask about the hero.

"Is he really gone?" Asked Hope Summers.

"I don't know kid. I hope he turns up soon." Logan replied.

"Do you think he's alright?" Ask a worried Kitty Pryde.

"Knowing him. Probably in some mess, but nothin he can't handle." Logan tried to reassure her.

Kitty and Hope were worried about the hero, Hope was one of his students and he helped her a lot when she didn't think she was ready to handle the burden of responsibility. But he told her just what she needed to hear and gave her a newfound drive to challenge the Phoenix Force.

Kitty harboured a slight crush on him, something she would deny if ever confronted although a blush on her cheeks would give her away. He was sympathetic to mutants and made sure they were all safe and that any mutant children were brought to the mansion straight away.

A new voice came when Jean barged in wanting to talk to Logan. "Logan, do you know where Spider-Man is? Or where I could find him?" Jean asked a slight scowl on her face.

"No Jean, I don't. Why?" He questioned her skeptically.

"It's... personal. In the meantime I'm heading to New York to try and find him." She said taking her leave.

Logan would try to stop her but he knew better than to mess with Jean when she got into a state, and this was one of those times.

From the hallway a hidden Laura Kinney listened to her father and Jeans intent to looking for the webhead and she decided that she was going to find him also. Everyone at the mansion usually kept their distance and most were scared of her and thought her nothing more than a weapon, the idiot Scott tried to insult her but was met with a beating thanks to Spider-Man. He was the only one who saw her as anything different, so she sure as hell was going to find him.

Back with the Avengers the team had welcomed back some members who were away when Dr Strange came to ask for their help. Such members included Carol Danvers, Jennifer Walters, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Vision, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barns.

"Welcome back everyone." Greeted Steve.

"Hey Cap." Bucky replied.

"It's good to be back." Carol and Jennifer agreed.

"How was your mission?" Steve asked the women.

"Ehh. Not too much trouble, but everything's taken care of." Jennifer answered.

"Captain, is it true that Spider-Man has gone missing?" Asked Vision.

This got the rest of the groups attention as they didn't know about his disappearance due to being on missions.

"Yes. I'll explain everything to you all in a moment." Steve answered grimly.

"Who cares if that imbecile has gone missing?" Said Hank, receiving a slight glare from Carol.

"Hank!" Janet scolded him for his attitude.

"Apparently Spider-Man was pulled into a portal from Dr Strange and is lost... somewhere. He isn't exactly sure." Steve quickly caught them up.

"Hey guys, welcome back." Said Tony approaching with Natasha.

"Hey Tony, Natasha." Sam greeted.

"So, Cap told you the web heads missing." Tony said snarky.

"Yea. Hope he's alright." Janet said sympathetically.

"It's not our problem. Say why don't we celebrate a job well done on your guys mission. Jen, Carol, what do you say?" Tony suggested throwing glances at the two ladies.

"I could go for a drink." Jen agrees ignoring Tony's glances.

"Good. I'll get the bar going." Tony said leaving to get the drinks ready.

Soon enough the rest of the group began to walk inside and settle down after their successful mission. Steve reluctantly joined them as he walked back inside with Sam, Bucky and Natasha.

Carol, although she didn't address it, was slightly worried about Spider-Man. She remembers the time they briefly dated and it wasn't exactly the best date she'd had but it wasn't all bad. He was quite a bit nervous and when they briefly spent time unmasked they realised they didn't have that much to talk about.

But when they put on the costume there was some genuine connection and she had to admit he was a really good influence. And at the very least he was kind and gentle person which was a nice change of pace from the regular blowhards who usually tries their luck with her.

She would join her friends and fellow teammates for a bit of a celebratory party for a job well done but she promised herself that she would look into his disappearance a bit more, even deciding to confront Dr Strange himself on the details.

Meanwhile in the Raft, a highly secure facility to house the most deadly and dangerous of criminals, most of if not all its prisoners were powered in some way shape or form, there was a skirmish and commotion going on around the prison.

The news of Spider-Man's disappearance began circulating and some particular criminals had caught wind of it and were starting to become lively within the facility.

A former scientist with four mechanical arms along with a few other notable figures had devised a plan to escape, and with no Spider-Man to stop them they were sure they would not only succeed in escaping but would be near unstoppable when they caused chaos in the city.

They may not get their revenge on the wall crawler but they would make do with taking over the city.

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