Crazy Ex's

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Peter and TaskMaster had finished up their patrol of the day and headed back to the base to relax for a while. Peter was reassured that even though he wasn't their Peter, he was still welcome among them and was treated like a friend.

The drive back was uneventful and quiet as they didn't know what to talk about. They certainly had questions for how things were in each other's world but they refrained from asking.

When they arrived everything was quiet inside the base which was unusual as there was always something going on, whether it be training, the sounds of experiments in the lab or just idle chitchat among the team.

TaskMaster had his suspicions but were unfounded as there wasn't anything else that seemed out of the ordinary.

Suddenly Peters spider sense flared up and his gaze was directed towards the roof where he saw some of the team members webbed to the ceiling, struggling against the restraints with mumbled cries for help.

"Watch out!" Says TaskMaster, pushing Spider-Man out of the way from being tackled by a black blur.

TaskMaster rolls on the ground with the black before being kicked off and hitting the wall, before he could get up and ready for an attack he is also webbed to the wall.

"Who are you?" Spider-Man shouts at the figure crouched in front of TaskMaster.

Turning around Peter immediately recognises the thing in front of him.


"It's you. It's really you. I can't believe it, I won't let you go again." Said Venom with a feminine undertone in its near demonic voice.

Venom dashed forward to grab him but he jumps over and lands behind Venom.

"Over her." He taunts.

"Stay still." Venom roars as they charge forward again, faster than before.

Peter was caught off guard by the sudden quick pace and is tackled to the ground and has his arms and legs webbed to the ground as Venom sits atop him, a sadistic smile appearing on its face.

"Don't resist Petey." Said Venom in an eerily calm way.

Peter tries and struggles to break free from the webbing and turns away from facing Venom.

Grabbing his mask covered face Venom brings them back facing them before revealing the identity of the person underneath.

"G-Gwen? Is- is that you?" He said shocked.

"Of course it's me Petey. And now... we can be together again." She said creepily as she brings her face closer to his.

"Forever." She whispers as their faces are inches away from each other.

"Get away from him!" Shouts a familiar voice from behind Venom.

Venom, or Gwen, is hit with an umbrella and is knocked off of Peters lap.

"Peter? Are you alright?" Asks Lorena with concern evident in his voice.

"Uh. Y-yeah." He answers.

Turning away to face Venom, Lorenas face morphs to one of anger at seeing the crazy woman clad in the symbiote.

"YOU!" They both say at the same time before a fight erupts.

Venoms mask forms again with the large sharp white eyes and sharp teeth showing in anger, she then charges at Lorena with claws forming on the ends of her hands.

"I'll kill you." She yells, the demonic voice returning.

Lorena dodges her swings and backs up to get some distance, she fires and explosive round from her umbrella which Venom catches in its hands.

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