A New World Awaits

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Peter was singing back to the Sanctum Sanctorum with a strange looking stone tablet under his arm.

Why was he doing this?

Because apparently the tablet in question has something to do with altering dimensions or whatever and Doctor Strange had asked the web slinger to retrieve it for him while he prepared a spell upon its return.

"All this trouble for a little stone slab. Must be very important and very dangerous if the Doc needed my help to get it back." He said to himself landing on top of the mystical building.

Entering the Sanctorum Peter was immediately transported to Stranges location within the building, a feat of magic that he would never get used to.

"Hey Doc I got your tablet thingy here. What do you want me to do with it?" He asked the sorcerer who was floating above the ground.

"Place the tablet upon the podium, I will cast a spell that will seal its power and send it to a pocket dimension where it's affects cannot harm anyone." He ordered the spider themed hero.

"Harm anyone? What kind of harm could this thing do anyway?" He asked following Stranges command.

"This tablet can warp reality, if the user is unfit or the tablet is broken the fabric of space and time could very well collapse and our dimension with it." He said seriously.

This alarmed Spider-Man as he set the tablet down and carefully backed away lest he accidentally do something that would end the world.

"You could have warned me about that beforehand!" He yelled at him.

"Please rest assured, I was fully aware that you would be careful in its retrieval. Now if you would take a few steps away from the podium I can begin the spell." Strange assuaged him.

Peter stood back and watched as the Doctor began to conjure a spell that would seal the tablet away, hopefully for good.

A large orange glyph appeared on the ground that covered the podium and Strange, a rumbling sound could be heard and the building started to shake, alarming Spider-Man.

"Uhh Doc, is this supposed to happen?" He asked worryingly.

"Yes. Everything is working accordingly. Please be quiet, I must remain focused." Strange hurriedly spoke.

Peter did as the sorcerer said and kept quiet as he did his work but he still remained nervous at the racket being caused by the spell.

Suddenly a small portal appeared behind the podium, a black rift with a swirling array of colours was pulling the tablet and podium into it.

Peter was once again concerned about the developments, magic was certainly not his strong suit so he was very much unaware if everything was going to plan.

"Strange! Are you sure this is working?" He asked loudly as the rift was cashing a lot of noise.

"Yes. Now please stay quiet." He barked.

As the tablet and podium were being pulled into the portal the strength of the gravitational pull was getting stronger causing some things to come flying off the shelves.

One of the objects that came off the shelves was an artefact that was heading straight for the portal and was going to hit the tablet.

Remembering what strange said if the tablet was to be broken Peter acted without thinking and jumped to grab the artefact. This alarmed Strange who tried to warn Spider-Man of his foolishness.

"What are you doing? Get away from there." He shouted.

Peter caught the artefact and shot a web line to the wall so he wouldn't get pulled in to. "This thing was heading for the tablet. I didn't want to risk it breaking it." He said over the loud blaring of the portal.

He fired a separate web so the artefact was secured to the wall and wouldn't end up caught by the pull of the portal again.

Unfortunately the web line he fired to keep him from being pulled into it had snapped from the tension and he was falling inside the portal.

Peter screamed as he was consumed by the portal with strange calling out his name in shock and dismay.

The portal closed with Strange unable to prevent it or Spider-Man from being pulled into it. He immediately left to try and find a solution and to contact other heroes so that they know of the situation.

Peter felt like he was falling, even though he was going from what seemed like left to right, inside a black void of space. He wasn't sure if he was dead and was now stuck in some sort of limbo or dead space for all eternity.

He could then see a bright light emanating from the deep blackness, he didn't know what it was or if it lead to anywhere but he hoped it was a way back home.

Letting his body continue to move towards the light Peter prepared for the worst and waited should he end up seeing his uncle Bens face on the other side.

He closed his eyes as the light blinded him when he got closer but when he opened them again he was no longer in the black void but high in the sky.

He could see the city beneath him and taking a look around he saw some familiar skyscrapers that affirmed that he was in New York.

Falling for a while Peter was relieved to be back home and shot a few web lines to create a parachute to stop his fall and let him slowly descend into the city.

He took a big whiff of fresh air as he internally rejoiced at his miraculous survival and waited to be low enough to the ground so he could ditch the parachute and plant his feet firmly on the ground again.

Landing on the closest roof he could find Peter thanks whatever Gods out there that he survived before hearing the sound of an explosion.

"Huh. Never a dull moment in this city." Peter says defeatedly.

Jumping down and swing towards the ground where the explosion originated Peter is surprised to see the sinister six.

When the dust clears he can see that there are several innocent bystanders in the way. Afraid for what could happen to the people he rushes in to fight his longtime villains consisting of Doc Ock, Rhino, Kraven, Carnage, Taskmaster and a female Electro.

'Huh that's a new combination. Never knew carnage for being a team player.' He joked as he got closer to them.

Before he could do anything to engage the sinister six he is shocked to see that instead of attacking or destroying the city they are instead clearing debris and helping people get out of the area.

"What the hell is going on here?"

(This is the first chapter of a story that is inspired by marcrios6 story 'to good to be true' who has allowed me to make my own version. So please go and check out his works after reading.)

I don't know how much of his I'll incorporate into my own but there will be some overlap.

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