Old enemies / New friends

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Peter examined the lab with keen eyes and a fine tooth comb. He was almost salivating at the mouth by the sheer possibilities that the room had.

Otto pulled him out of his fixation on the laboratory and dragged him out of the room with promise to explore later.

They covered most of the base or at least the parts that were of significance that he would most likely be using.

"Peter, there are some others who would like to see you again." Felicia said drawing his attention.

"Yea? Who? I thought I met everyone here?? He responded curiously.

"You did. These are others from different bases or organisations who we work with to defend against the Avengers or X-Men." Felicia answered.

"Oh, okay. So where are they then?" He asked.

"They aren't here yet. But they will be. We informed them of your presence when we unmasked you and brought you here. Now that we've confirmed your identity we've updated them on your circumstances and they wish to see you. As you can imagine, seeing a friends face again is... well, you know." She replied.

"Yea. I do." He said sadly remembering the times when he's seen and relived the faces of those no longer with him.

"Any idea when they'll get here?" He asked.

"Hmmm. Not really." She shrugged with mirth in her voice.

Peter smiled at her, feeling a familiarity with her as she acts very much like his own Felicia.

"Until then... what do you want to do?" She asked they sat back down in the common room.

"I don't know really. Where's everyone else? I didn't see them when you showed me around." He questioned.

"There off doing there own things. Some may be still here in the base or in their rooms or they've left to patrol the city. Doom more than likely left to return home. Why?" She replied.

"Well... aside from the training room and lab, it doesn't seem that big a base, so I was wondering how many of you are here." He continued.

"Ohh. Well... you're right. The base isn't that large... and there were a few more of us around." She said with sadness.

"Were?" He emphasised.

"As you know from Francine and Elaine, the original Electro and Scorpion are dead. But there were a few others who also fell to the Avengers." She clarified.

"Who?" He asked not wanting to sound insensitive.

"Vulture, or Adrian Toomes. Mysterio or Quentin Beck." She told him.

"Adriana the reason why the training room was so large and had aerial combat. Beck helped set up the artificial simulation for training." She concluded.

Peter was shocked to learn that two more of his regular villains were dead. Electro, Scorpion, Vulture and Mysterio four of his enemies and original members of his sinister six were dead along with him, other him.

"Wow. So... how'd they become heroes?" He asked hoping to bring a better mood.

"Adrian was a fighter pilot for the military. After his service he sorta was... forgotten by the government so he decided to help out old veterans. Actually most of them were former Air Force pilots so he really connected with them and their longing to take flight again. So he set about creating his own wings, that's around the time we found him and brought him into our group. At the time we didn't have much fighters in the air and he had plenty experience and a drive to do some more good." She explained to him.

"As for Beck, well, he really wanted to be a film producer but could never get any of his stuff off the ground. He then turned his talents towards creating virtual reality, hoping to bring about lifelike creations for more authenticity. He pulled it off and could have made a huge success but he was unfortunately let go from the industry, we caught wind of his virtual reality tech and tried to advance it. The training room was the biggest success he made with the tech as any of his illusions used in battle were easily overcome by others who could tell they weren't real." She finished.

Felicia sighed after talking about them, remembering them and their loss was still heartbreaking for them. They had grown close as a group and they always tried to be their for each other.

Felicia was then alerted of the arrival of the other heroes.

"Cat. Our visitors have arrived and they wish to see him." Came Ottis voice through the intercom.

"Ok Otto, send them in." Responded Felicia through her own communicator.

The main door to the room sprung open and on the other side stood several individuals who Peter never thought he'd see as heroes.

In front of him stood the red skull, otherwise known as Johann Schmidt along with his right hand Madame Hydra and his daughter Sinthea Schmidt. Madame Hydra otherwise known as Viper or her real name Ophelia Sarkissian had her hand clasped over her mouth in shock as slight tears ran down her face.

Alongside them was Magneto or Erik Lensherr, leader of the brotherhood of mutants.

Surprisingly enough Peter saw Loki the God of mischief and rival to Thor standing their too. The sight of the God put him on edge slightly knowing the machinations Loki was know for.

"It's true. You're really back." Said Viper wiping her tears away.

"I cannot believe it. You've returned to us." Magneto said.

"This is astounding." Red Skull said surprised.

"This is truly miraculous. You were not ready for Valhalla yet." Loki announced with happiness.

Sinthea Schmidt, or referred to as Sin, said nothing as she looked away slightly with a blush on her cheeks.

They came forward into the room so they could get closer and have a better look at the man in front of them. They're ere told about his return and his present circumstances but seeing it right in front of their eyes was something else altogether.

"I... don't know what to say." Peter breathed out in confusion. He doubts he will ever get used to seeing former villains act friendly and heroic in this world.

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