A different Peter

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"I'm... in a different world?" He repeated.

"Yes. I cast a spell to look through your memories to see if you were an imposter. But your memories are completely different, they do not match that of this worlds events." Doom explained.

"I'm sorry I'm confused. A different world? What are you guys talking about?" Asked Black Cat.

"There is a theory of the multiverse. Where different worlds exist where things may be different to our own. Small things to big things can change the course of events and alter another worlds timeline." Ock tried to explain.

"Yea... still not getting it." Said Taskmaster.

Peter decided to drop his guard for a moment so that he could try to explain what Otto was referring to, already having experience in alternate worlds and different versions of himself and others.

"Basically I've come from another world. One where you guys are villains and have tried to kill me numerous times." He said with a little venom.

Many looked surprised by what he said, they couldn't believe that he had come from another world let alone one where they were the villains and tried to kill him.

"So... you're not-" Lorena began to speak.

"Unfortunately not Lorena. I'm sorry." Ock said sympathetically.

Lorena looked down in sadness at hearing that, her heart clenched in her chest as if someone had just broken it into hundreds of pieces.

Alice and Lorena held each other close as Janice place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Sooo, I'm guessing you guys aren't villains. And that you know me?" Peter asked curiously.

"Yes. We are not the villains of this world. And yes... we knew you." Cat replied.

"What do you mean by 'knew?'" Peter asked cautiously afraid of the answer.

Many of those present looked away with pained looks in their eyes, Otto placed his hand on Peters shoulder getting him to jump a little.

"You... died. In this world Spider-Man... Peter Parker, died fighting for us to escape." Ock told him sadly.

Peters eyes shot open, he couldn't believe it. He was dead. In this world he fought for them and he ended up dying to keep them safe.

"H-how?" They cringed at the question, not wanting to remember or recall the events of that day. The day they lost him.

Otto and Doom pulled him aside so that they could talk in private. They could tell how the others were reacting to the news of this Peter being from a different world, especially Lorena.

"Peter. In this world the Avengers are the villains. They are power hungry dictators who wish to control the world through fear and domination. You... for a while were a part of it." Otto began making Peters eyes widen in disbelief.

"What? I was... like them." He said shocked.

"Yes. But once you saw how bad things were you defected to our side. We were sceptical at first, but we came around and trusted you. However the Avengers wanted revenge and targeted your aunt May. They killed her Peter. I'm sorry." Ock revealed.

Peter was saddened to hear how his aunt was dead in this world. It seemed no matter which world he was in his family would always be targeted by those who wish to harm him.
At least he was welcomed by them when he changed sides, always fighting the good fight.

"What happened after?" He continued.

"We fought against them, the X-Men, the Destroyers and many others to keep the people safe." Otto began to say.

"Wait wait wait. The X-Men are evil too? And who are these 'Destroyers', haven't heard of them." Peter interrupted.

"Yes the X-Men are evil too. They believe that they are a superior race to humans and wish to eradicate us. As for the Destroyers, they are a group of villains that run different districts and crime syndicates. They are led by Daredevil the kingpin." Otto answered.

Peter was slack jawed hearing how bad the X-Men were. It really reminded him of the brotherhood that were separate from the X-Men. But hearing that one of his closest friends was part of a crime syndicate and was also the Kingpin. He could feel his head pounding from the headache.

"And... my death?" He inquired.

"Huh. We were fighting the Avengers when they tried to wipeout a huge block of the city to assert their control. We stopped them but we were weakened significantly and in your final act... you stayed behind to hold them off." Otto sadly told him before pausing.

"We found your mask hung up on display like a trophy. Later we recovered your body and buried you. With the rest of your family." He finished.

Peter felt his entire world shake. He really was dead, and by the hands of the Avengers. The people in his world who he would call friends and allies... they killed him.

"I- I can't believe it. I'm actually... dead." He muttered to himself.

Ock and Doom heard him however and they wished to know more of his world. Doom only saw quick glimpses of his memories, unable to get a bigger picture of the things that happened.

Leading him back to the main group, who had taken their seats once again as they simply hung their heads in sadness, Otto asked Peter what things were like in his world.

"So Peter. Can you tell us about yourself and the world you come from?" Otto asked.

"Uh... yea, sure. Well. Where should I start?" He questioned.

"How about when you got your powers... and then take it from there. You can give us any background before then if you want if you think it might clear things up." Otto suggested getting everyone's attention back to Peter.

"Ok then... I guess. Well, when I was fifteen years old I went to an Oscorp research lab as part of a school trip. While there one of the radioactive spiders they were working on escaped and bit me, giving me these powers." He started.

"I initially used my powers for my own self gain, I was reckless and irresponsible. Then one day I let a mugger go free and I found out later he killed my uncle Ben. From that day onward I became the hero and vigilante Spider-Man."

A Different WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora