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Peter was stunned at the arrival of the recent group of heroes, the leader of HYDRA along with his daughter and right hand, the master of magnetism and the God of mischief. All of which were happy to see him alive again.

"So... you are from another world?" Magneto asked him.

"Y-yea." He replied hesitantly.

This was noticed by the others who were curious about his reaction.

"Why are you nervous. Have you not settled in yet?" Asked Red Skull.

Felicia stepped forward ready to answer the question for them.

"You see Peter is from another world and in that world we are the villains. He has told us stories of battles he's had against us, so give him time to come around to your presence." Felicia explained.

The group was surprised at hearing how they became villains but were understanding of Peters hesitance.

"No worries. Take your time, we are just glad to see you again." Magneto responded.

Viper and Sin both looked saddened at hearing how they were villains in his world and could have possibly fought him. Peter noticed this but didn't immediately ask about it, he was sure that he would find out soon enough anyway.

"I take it then that if we are the villains, that the heroes of your world would be the Avengers. Yes?" Asked Loki.

"Yes. Along with the X-Men and others who I'm guessing are also villains here." He replies.

"Okay. So it seems to be an almost complete opposite of our own with you being an exception. You've been told that you were once a villain here." Loki surmised.

"Yea. It came as a shock when they told me that I was once a villain here. I couldn't imagine myself doing anything like that." He answered.

"Well. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are just relieved that you are still a hero, and that you've come back to us." The Red Skull spoke.

The group nodded in agreement, they wanted to see for themselves that this Peter was in fact like their own. A true hero and friend.

Magneto approached him slowly, taking off his helmet and carrying it under his arm he stuck out his empty hand and waited with a smile for his departed friend to shake his hand once again.

Peter reciprocated the shake and smiled himself as they continued. When they separated he was immediately hugged by Viper, who could no longer hold herself back and let her emotions fall out.

"I'm... so happy to see you again Peter. Oh God, I missed you so so much you have no idea. I don't want to let go... just in case this is all a dream and I'll wake up and... you're not there." She said through her tears.

Peter was momentarily caught off guard by the sudden embrace from Viper and her weeping confessions but once he got his bearings he gently rubbed her back in comfort.

"Hey, don't worry. It's me, I'm here." He softly spoke.

Viper pulled away slightly looking him in the eyes and seeing that soft gaze again, those hazel eyes that showed such confidence and kindness. The tears continued to fall slowly as her smile grew larger.

Not wanting to let the moment go she slowly lent forward and closed her eyes, catching him in a deep kiss which lasted for moments but for Peter, felt like an eternity.

Was this happening was Viper, The Madame HYDRA, kissing him on the lips. Did she not know that this worlds Peter was married already. Did she just assume that because he was a different Peter that he wouldn't be married or that it would be okay for her to do so.

She pulled away with a small smile and blush present on her face, Peter however was still shell shocked and was stood frozen with his mouth wide open.

"W-what was that?" Peter stuttered.

"Oh sorry. I just couldn't help myself. Seeing you again... it just made me so happy and I just... wanted to feel that again with you." Viper said blushing.

"Wait. Again? You've done that before, w-with the other me?" He questioned.

"Well... yea. Why is that weird?" She answered just as confused.

"Aren't I... married in this world. To Lorena?" He replied.

"Yea I know that but why is it weird?" She answered casually.

"You shouldn't be kissing someone whose married ya know." He told her.

"Well... I know we're not married but that doesn't mean I can't show my boyfriend how much I love him right." She responded.

"B-boyfriend?" He repeated.

"Yea. I mean yes you're married to Lorena but what about the rest of us? What are we supposed to do then, huh?" She questioned him.

"Rest of us? There's more of you?" He said shocked.

"Yea. A lot of us." Viper said humorously.

Peter looked at Felicia in confusion, hoping that maybe she could explain what Viper meant that.

"What? Don't look at, it would be unprofessional if I was involved with you like the rest of them." Felicia said not picking up what Peter was looking for.

"I don't understand." Peter said scratching his head.

"Wait... how many relationships are you in back in your world?" Felicia asked curious by his reactions.

"Well... I guess one. But only ever one." He answered.

"Really? Seriously?" Felicia and Viper said at the same time.

"Well, I guess that explains why your so jumpy all of a sudden." Felicia hummed.

"So... how many relationships am I in? In this world anyway." He asked semi-curiously.

"Where do I start. Basically just about every woman you've met thus far and maybe some more." Felicia said teasingly.

Peters brain shut off entirely after that comment from Felicia. Was that true? He was in several relationships at once in this world while also being married and having a child. And were they all seriously okay about it, from the looks of things no one seemed to have a problem with it but surely Lorena wouldn't have been too happy about that. Her husband and father of her child was sleeping with other women and had serious relationships with all of them.

(Do you guys want a Harem list or rather leave if for surprise later.)

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