The Web

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Peter left Sorias room and set about arranging a meeting so that he and her could discuss the matters pertaining to the Web of life. He didn't have the best grasp of its purpose but after two separate multiverse events revolving around the Web he figured he knew enough to explain things.

He caught Felicia and asked her to get everyone together for the meeting and with a simple call on the com link she had all the members were sent a message to gather in the meeting room.

She went a bit further and arranged for those who weren't on base to be included via holographic projections.

Everyone had began to gather in the meeting room, the only exceptions to those who currently weren't present was Peter, Soria and Otto. Peter was waiting patiently for Soria so they could both get right into the explanation, but Peter didn't know why Otto was a miss.

'I wonder what's keeping them. Felicia did tell everyone to attend this meeting.' Peter wondered.

"Is everything ready for the meeting?" Said Soria who came round the corner.

"Y-yea. Everyone's inside, well... almost everyone. Otto hasn't shown yet." He informed.

"We can start without him, you can catch him up later." Soria dismissed opening the door to the meeting room.

Inside all the previous members he'd seen in the base were present. Kraven and his daughter Ana, Rhino, TaskMaster, Carnage, Scorpia, Panda, Francine, Felicia and Janice. Even Lorena and Alice attended but they were situated at the opposite end of the room.

Viewing the meeting via holographic projections were Red Skull along with his daughter Sin, Viper, Loki, Doom, surprisingly Monica Rappaccini or the scientist supreme for AIM and Magneto.

"Okay. So we gathered you all here because there is something you all should know. It is in part to why I'm here but it's also important that you all know exactly what it is we are talking about. The Web of Life." Peter announced which got their attention not knowing what this Web of Life is.

"But before we get started." Soria interjected.

"I want to know firstly why I cannot sense your presence in the Web?" She questioned irately.

"Okay, okay. I'll get to that don't worry." Peter tried to ease her tension.

"So what is this Web of Life?" Asked Doom folding his arms.

"The Web of Life is a mystical force that binds the multiverse. It connects all the different spiders in those universes, like me and Soria here. Your Peter was also a part of it just like any other universes Spider-Man or woman." Peter began his explanation.

"O-Kay. I already figured a different universe existed but... multiple?" Ana questioned.

"Yes. Multiple. And just like mine there are some pretty big differences on how things turned out, but that's not what's important. The Web of Life binds the universes together, almost in a literal sense of being in a web. I am the centre of it, the centre of the Web of Life." Peter continued.

"That doesn't sound arrogant." Felicia commented.

"I know how it sounds but think of it like this. Every web has its centre and if the centre breaks the whole web falls apart, same principle. I am the centre of the Web that keeps the multiverse intact." He tried to explain the analogy.

"So wait... if your the centre of the web... and the centre breaks and everything falls apart... dose that mean the entire multiverse falls apart?" Monica realised making everyone go wide eyed at the sudden realisation.

"Yes, essentially." He replied not easing any of their concerns if he were to meet an unfortunate end.

"So how is it that we're still alive? Our Peter died a while ago but here we are." Lorena asked worryingly.

"The 'position' of the centre moves from me to someone else. More specifically it will go to someone who's inherited it... meaning if I had any children they'd become the new centre when I die." He regretfully explained with his eyes drifting to Alice.

Lorena also turned to Alice who was just as surprised at the revelation, Lorena then hugged her daughter ever so closely and tightly to make sure that she was safe at all times.

"Okay okay, you've got an understanding of the Web of Life. Now answer my question, why can't I sense you?" Soria asked bluntly.

"I think... it's because I'm a different Peter from yours. You could sense his presence because he was this worlds version of me and with him gone and the position of centre being moved to Alice. I may be an unknown variable to the Web even though I'm it's centre, so you can't feel my presence at all." He hypothesised.

Soria seemed to understand his assessment clearly. It bothered her that she still couldn't sense him but it was good to have an answer for it and not just her powers failing or something.

"Sorry I'm late everyone." Announced Otto who just arrived.

"Otto. You basically missed the whole thing." Magneto said.

"I may not have been here but I've had an audio link to the room since the meeting started, so I've heard everything that was said. And I must say this whole Web of Life thing sounds peculiar." Otto retorted.

"Peter... if you're the centre in your world, and you're here. What's happened back in your original world?" Otto asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm still technically alive even though I'm not there so it shouldn't be at any risk of falling apart." He assured him.

"Otto, why were you late anyway?" Rhino asked him.

"Oh yes. Let me present to you our newest member, everyone meet the completed Ultron." Otto announced as the metal stomping of feet drew closer to the door.

From outside the completed Ultron stepped into the room putting a few on edge knowing what it's original purpose was for.

"Hello everyone. I am Ultron." The android greeted scanning the rooms occupants.

"I am here to be of assistance to you all." He said.

"So you are on our side. You don't want to destroy the world or anything?" Peter questioned which earned him a prompt slap to the arm for bringing it up and potentially giving the robot any ideas.

"No. You gave me life and I am thankful. I have also seen the great potential humanity has to offer and that there are good among the evil that my support should benefit." Ultron answered.

"Great. Welcome to the team." Peter greeted happily.

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