Can you help me?

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"So what about the Avengers and X-Men? You've met them in your world and you seemed surprised to hear that they were villains, are they not the same in your world?" Asked Francine.

"No... well. Not really. The Avengers are heroes and so are the X-Men. But that doesn't mean they all get along." Peter answered.

"And what dose that mean?" Asked Felicia.

"The X-Men are divided. One group led by Charles Xavier or Professor X, while another is led by Magneto." Peter explained.

"As for the Avengers they protect the world from threats, but they only focus on the big world ending threats and forget about the people in the city. That's were I come in, I save the people in the city as their friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man." He continued.

They smiled at hearing how he looked after the city and it's people, much like their own Peter. He was always about protecting the weak civilians from any harm, whether they be from simple muggings or from the next big attack on the city. He was always there.

"Well I'm glad to see you're still an upstanding hero." Ock said.

This got Peter to smile a little, it was strange, he never got the recognition he deserved in his own world by his friends. But here, the ones who are his worlds villains, treat him respect.

"And... what about us." Asked Lorena.

"What about you... what?" He replied with confusion.

"In your world... we are the villains right? So what are we like?" She clarified.

This got some peoples attention who were curious to hear what their other world counterparts were like, especially since they were considered the villains.

"Oh... that." He said meekly.

"Is there something wrong?" Asked Taskmaster.

"In my world... a lot of you are some of my worst villains." He said sadly.

"How so?" Cat asked.

"Huh... first there's Norman Osborne, otherwise known as the Green Goblin. He's personal sought to ruin my life in any way he could. He even killed my first love by tossing her off a bridge." He began.

This shocked many as they worked alongside their Norman Osborne who isn't like anything he described.

"Then there's you." He said looking at Otto.

"You were a brilliant scientist... someone who I looked up to in the scientific community. But then you got those metal arms and went crazy. Ever since you've came up with plan after plan, each one worse than the last." Peter continued.

"How so? What did I do?" Ock questioned.

"Well... there was one time you launched satellites to get rid of the ozone layer and scorch the earth. Then another were you swapped minds with me and called yourself 'superior' going around ruining my name as Peter Parker and as Spider-Man." He explained.

Otto was stunned at what his counterpart did. He couldn't imagine doing any of that, he made inventions to help people and make the world better. But his counterpart... really was crazy.

"What about the rest of us? Were we as bad?" Asked Scorpia or Elaine Coll.

"Some of you were just small time villains, involved in stealing from banks or being part of some gang warfare. Some of you gave me trouble than others and some of you I rarely ever see." He answered.

"Well... what about me?" Asked Felicia curiously.

"Heh... we uhh. We were close, and had a very... strange relationship. But for the most part you were just a thief, 'stealing from those who could afford it' is the way you put it." He replied.

Felicia was surprised to know of their 'strange' relationship, the meaning behind it wasn't lost on her and she lightly blushed thinking about it.

"And... me?" Asked Lorena meekly.

Peter looked over at her and noticed how she looked despondent and refused to look up at him.

"Well... your... sorta involved in the criminal underworld with your own gang and part of the Sinister Syndicate. We've fought a few times." He told her which only seemed to make her sadder.

"Oh..." was all she said.

Peter was confused by her reaction, she seemed... almost hopeful. Like that wasn't the answer she expected him to say, but they were enemies in his world.

"Why don't we talk more in private?" Suggested Felicia. Otto and Doom agreeing.

Felicia led Peter out of the room with Otto and Doom following behind him, but before he left he quickly looked over his shoulder to see a few members consoling Lorena, who in turn was hugging Alice.

Peter took a seat in the lab while Otto, Doom and Felicia waited patiently for him to start talking again.

"So... uh... what was that about?" He asked.

"What was what?" Felicia replied.

"White... Lorena, what was that about?" He clarified.

"Oh... that." Felicia elongated.

Otto and Victor looked on with uncertainty, they didn't know how to broach the subject and they both wondered how Cat was going to handle it.

"We can get to that later. First I think you should explain how you managed to get to our world." Felicia changed the subject.

"Heh. Never thought I'd say something like that." She humoured to herself.

"Well... I was helping Doctor Strange with something. He wanted me to get some mystical tablet for him."

"You were helping Doctor Strange?" Doom interrupted.

"Yea. In my world he's a hero, remember." Peter reminded him.

"Oh yes, of course. Please continue." Doom apologised.

"I returned the tablet to him and he began chanting some weird spell to lock it away in a pocket dimension. I got sucked in and for a while... I thought I was dead. But then I found myself falling out of the sky here and... found all you." Peter explained his sudden appearance.

"I see. Perhaps whatever spell he cast sent you here by accident, rather than sending you to wherever the tablet was originally meant to go." Doom theorised.

"Yea but... the tablet didn't come through with me. And if the Doctor Strange if this world is a villain like the rest... how am I going to get home?" Peter asked defeatedly.

"Maybe... if we locate the tablet in 'this' world, we could recreate the circumstances in which you were brought here. And just maybe... it'll send you home again." Doom hypothesised.

"Then. Can you help me?"

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