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Peter had thought for a while what he wanted to ask them, there were many people he was curious about how they turned out in this world if they were no longer villains.

'Well... guess I'll start there.' He thought to himself.

Getting up he went to the rest of the team who were in a meeting room discussing their recent assault and how they could improve their defences.

"They got in here too easily. We have to change up our security." Kraven said annoyed.

"I agree, but what do you suggest?" Electro agreed to his concerns.

"Perhaps we could install bio scanners?" Otto suggested.

"Our systems could be infiltrated and be turned against us." Felicia countered.

"Maybe we could install a high tech security system within our surveillance cameras. Different variations of vision to deal with people who could alter appearances?" Suggested Janice.

"Same problem. Our cameras could be disabled. How do we prevent any intruders from infiltrating our base again... without the use of technology that could be turned against us?" Felicia said.

The room fell silent as they tried to think of a solution to their security problem, when Peter made his presence known to them by lightly coughing.

"Excuse me?" He said entering the meeting room.

"Yes Peter. What do you need?" Addressed Felicia.

"Yea sorry. I just wanted to ask about some things... like my villains, or former villains I guess." He announced.

"Okay. Who's you have in mind?" Otto asked curiously.

"Well... okay... Norman Osborn?" He asked hesitantly.

"Right. You've mentioned before that he was a villain of yours." Felicia said remembering their first conversation when he arrived.

"Yea. So... what's he like here?" He inquired.

"Well... he's President Osborn here." She said with a sly grin.

"What? Seriously? President? Osborn? Norman Osborn?" Peter questioned rambling.

"Calm down. Yes. He's President. Before that he was a scientist at Oscorp and eventually shifted over to politics. He's actually endorsed out activities as heroes gaining us global recognition." Felicia informed him to his continued surprise.

"I... I can't believe it." Peter said in disbelief.

"Believe it kid, Osborns President and on the good side." TaskMaster spoke up.

"Okay... what about Wilson Fisk? What's he like here?" He questioned again.

"Well... a step down from President. He's Mayor New York actually." Felicia said.

Peter was again shocked to hear that Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of crime, was now Mayor of New York. He vaguely recalled a time when Fisk tried to run for Mayor back in his world but he put a stop to that.

"A-and... he's... good?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yep. Just like Osborn he gave us his full support to operate within the city." Felicia informed.

"Wow. Osborn and Fisk... being good guys. I didn't think that it was possible." He said astonished.

"Well... you've seen us... did you ever think we would be good guys?" Scorpia asked.

"Yea. I mean the first time you got here we fought. For us we thought you were an imposter so you could understand our view... but for you, you just saw your villains." Beetle added.

Peter nervously scratched the back of his head at the remark, he knew now that they were the heroes here but before... they were just villains to him. "N-no... I guess I didn't think you could." He answered sheepishly.

They understood his reaction and didn't hold it against them, so they were sympathetic towards him and wanted to let him no that he was welcomed.

"Don't think about too much." Anastasia said.

"My daughter is right. You were confused and didn't know what was going on." Kraven agreed.

"We don't hold it against you Peter." Otto admitted.

"But... if you want to make it up to us..." Felicia said teasingly causing him blush a little.

"Nonsense. Ignore Cat and just know your cool with us." Electro countered.

Peter was grateful to know that they all welcomed him and didn't hold his initial attack towards them... or his being from a different world... against him and kept him at arms length.

"Thanks guys." He said with a bright smile.

They all returned his smile knowing he was growing more comfortable in their presence and in this new world.

"So uh... what were you guys discussing before I came in here?" He asked curiously.

"We were discussing how we should up our defences after our latest attack. But... we are having some trouble coming to a consensus." Otto told him.

"Oh yeah? How so?" He said interested.

"We want to install a better security detection and security cameras but we are concerned with the potential of a hack or the system being used against us." Felicia spoke in.

"I see. You don't have some form of protection to prevent something like that happening?" Peter asked knowing in his world the heroes had firewalls and failsafes against hacks, although they too would be compromised on occasions.

"No. Unfortunately not. Although that still leaves the possibility that they could be overridden." Felicia answered.

"Well... it's better than nothing. Unless you had some A.I. to integrate into the system." He advised.

That got everyone's attention. "An AI... do you think we could make something like that?" Otto asked knowing the possibilities of having an AI.

"Yea. In my world we've had a few. We had one that we called Vision... although the Avengers had made an evil one called Ultron." Peter informed them.

"Ultron?" Otto repeated with wide eyes.

"Yea?" He replied unsure of Ottos reaction.

"Peter, it seems that you've given us a chance to up our defences... and bring us a new ally." Otto said gratefully.

"Really? How'd I do that?" He said tilting his head.

"The Avengers at one point tried to launch a new system that they eventually terminated. Little information about its contents has been revealed but we did find a project name... Ultron!" He informed Peter.

"Seriously?" He said wide eyed now.

"Yep. So it seems that they tried to make an AI themselves to call it Ultron, but it must have failed and they scrapped the idea. If we were able to retrieve it..." Otto trailed off.

"Then we could finish it, making it a force for good rather than for evil." Peter finished.

"Exactly what I was thinking Parker." Otto smiled seeing Peters train of thought align with his.

"So it's settles then. We retrieve the failed Ultron project and rework it for a force of good. All agreed?" Felicia announced to the group.

"Agreed!" Everyone in the room said in unison.

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