Tell me about yourselves

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Peter stood there uncomfortably alongside Felicia, Otto and Doom. The rest of the team sat around the main room after hearing the good news about Peter, however two occupants couldn't bare to look at him.

Lorena and Alice had been sat together comforting each other after the latest revelations.

The other members sat in the room consisted of Kraven, Rhino, TaskMaster, Carnage, Francine, Janice, PandaMania, Scorpia and Anastasia Kravenoff.

Unsure of what to do next Peter decided he could learn a bit from them and about their respective pasts, he's already heard some of his and this worlds villains, so why not learn about the heroes.

"Hey, could you guys tell me a bit about yourselves. I want to know more about you guys, seeing as you're villains in my world we don't really sit down and chat all that much." Peter threw out the idea.

A few of them looked between themselves and silently agreed to his request, after all he had a point. They now knew some of his past in his own worlds, so they may as well tell him about their own lives in this world.

"I guess I'll start things off then." Said Felicia who walked in front of Peter to take a seat.

"My father Walter Hardy was a thief, like me, he stole from big corrupt businesses and distributed the wealth to charities and those who needed it. After he retired I took up the mantle of Black Cat and continued his work." She told him.

"Wow. Your quite similar to my Felicia. Except she steals whatever she wants and keeps it for herself. Most of the time though she steals from people who have more money than they could handle or bad guys with deep pockets." He commented.

Felicia raised her eyes slightly at his comment of her other worlds motives, she wasn't entirely disgusted with her actions but to her she thought it was quite selfish of her other self.

"I'll go next." Said Otto.

"I am a scientist who specialised in advanced prosthesis and neurological implants to provide better movement and mobility. My own mechanical arms were the first to be made to show the capabilities of this implant." Otto explained while his arms moved in front of him.

"I am the king and ruler of Latveria. My country struggles with pollution and poverty so I dedicated my time to learning the sciences and advanced magics to help provide a safe and stable country." Doom followed up.

"Alright then, I'll go next." Said Kraven.

"I am a master hunter, learning the patterns and habits of the animals and help keeping poachers from killing them. Too many animals are hunted for sport and driven to near extinction, so I made sure to keep them safe from any harm." Kraven explained.

"Me next." Said Rhino.

"I was a Russian soldier and was part of an experimental program that gave me this suit. But I found a better use for it and helped my countrymen." He told Peter.

"I guess I'm next then." Said Carnage who retracted his face to show Cletus Kasady.

"I'm a humanitarian who worked hard in the community to provide a care and service for those less fortunate. One day I came across this symbiote and it bonded with me, with it I was able to do more than I could have ever imagined." He said surprising him knowing how his worlds Carnage is like.

"That's... actually the most surprising thus far." Peter said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why's that?" He asked curiously.

"Well... the Cletus Kasady in my world is a sociopath and maniacal. He's a serial killer and he just got worse when he bonded with the Carnage symbiote." Peter explained making the others cringe at the thought. Carnage shuddered at hearing it's counterpart act so evilly.

"I'll go now." Said Anastasia.

"As you already heard my father is a master hunter who protects the wildlife from poachers. I do very much the same work although we do not always act together. Recently I found myself working along with the others to fight against the Avengers as my skills were a great asset for them." Ana explained.

"Ok. Now me." Said TaskMaster.

I was a soldier in the military but I quickly rose through the ranks as I have an eidetic memory which allowed me to recall the moves from several different martial arts. After I left the service I worked alone to protect my country from any threats." Tony Masters otherwise known as TaskMaster told him.

"Me then." Said Janice Lincoln or Beetle.

"My father was a community man, made a safe haven for folks to come around to if they needed it, unfortunately he was in an accident which gave him some powers. That may seem like a positive thing but the company that was responsible for the accident got away scot free and he dedicated his life to bringing them to justice. I wanted to help however I could and became the Beetle." Janice told him.

"I'll take it from there." PandaMania spoke up.

"I was a test subject for a new super soldier serum. It worked, to a degree, however the results I showed were not promising and I was tossed aside. Rather that seeking revenge I thought positively and decided to help out with peoples problems." She explained.

"I guess I'll go now." Francine said.

"I was practically normal all things considered, but I really admired the hero Electro. All I wanted was to be like him. Unfortunately... he passed away. So I took up his mantle as Electro." She sadly told him.

"And finally with me." Scorpia said.

"Just like Francine here I was somewhat normal before all this, except I admired the hero Scorpion. He helped out with a lot of medicines, specifically antidotes and cures to venoms and toxins. He too passed away and I wanted to do what he did. But I'm not that good with the medical stuff so I made my own name as Scorpia, rather than taking his as Scorpion." She concludes.

Peter was in awe after hearing each of their stories, he knew how some of his villains ended up the way they were but he never thought how things could have been different for them.

"Wow... that's... that's amazing how all of you came together to protect people. Using your powers or abilities to aid those who need it. Your real heroes." He said cheerily.

They all smiled at his praise, he briefly told them that they were villains in his world and even pointed out a few interactions he's had with them before, so it must have been a total shock to see them as heroes.

"And... what about you?" Peter said drawing everyone's eyes to who he was addressing.

"How did you become a hero... Lorena?"

(Sorry for the long wait but I wanted a break from everything. When I first started these stories I had a lot of momentum and posted new chapters quickly, this was due to them being fresh in my mind and an eagerness to work on them. I'm still just as eager to work on them but momentum is working it's way down.)

(In my other work, The Silver Spider, I made chapters quickly, after awhile I changed it to having two chapters a week, then I ended with having one a week and adhering to that quite strictly for months. But it seemed like I was working towards a deadline rather than just enjoying myself and the story I was making.)

(I cannot say if I will have a fixed schedule for updates for any of my works, but rest assured that I am working on them.)

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