Return of the Queen

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It was new day and Peter was up and ready to work on Ultron with Otto. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this excited by working on a science project, since his time is more often spent web slinging and crime fighting he rarely sees the lab anymore.

He eagerly left his room and ran to the kitchen to grab a quick bit and fresh cup of coffee when he bumped into Lorena.

They both stood there looking at each other in silence, an awkwardness settling in over them. The last time they spoke was when Gwen and MJ attacked the base, she was worried for him when both women proclaimed that he belonged to them and would take him away.

"H-hey. Good morning." Peter nervously greeted.

"G-good morning to you too... Peter." She reciprocated equally as nervous.

"So... how's things, with you and uh, Alice." He asked still nervous bringing up his daughter.

"Alice and I are doing fine. She's a little upset sense those two got the drop on her." Lorena admitted.

"I see. But at least she's alright." Peter said optimistically.

"Yea." Lorena said. "Listen I've gotta go." She said a little panicked.

"Uh, okay. Bye, Lorena." Peter said as Lorena walked on past him.

Peter was now left alone in the kitchen watching as Lorena left. 'She must not have gotten used to seeing me.' He thought thinking how worried she was before.

Sighing sadly at Lorenas predicament he continued to get himself ready for heading to the lab when he was approached by Panda.

"Heya Spidey." She greeted smiling brightly.

"Hey Panda. How's your morning?" He greeted.

"Oh fine. Nothing planned for the day. You?" She replied.

"Well... I just ran into Lorena." He said sadly.

"Oh... and, how'd that go?" She asked but his silence told her how it went. "Look she's gonna take a lot longer to get used to you. Just be patient." She said comfortingly.

"I will. Thanks." He said smiling back at her.

"Oh... by the way there's something you should know." Panda said turning serious for a moment.

"Y-yea. What is it?" He said slightly worried.

"Words gotten out about 'your' return." She said with air quotes. "And... well... there's someone who isn't happy about it." She inferred.

"Someone? W-who is it?" He asked more worried.

"It's-" She began before being cut off from someone's screaming.

"WHERE IS HE? WHERES THAT IMPOSTER." Shouted an unknown voice.

"Uh-oh. She's here." Panda said quickly taking her leave. "Good luck."

"Wait, don't go. Who is it?" He pleaded.

Peter braces himself for the arrival of this unknown woman who apparently did not like that he was here. He assumed she wasn't told about the whole different world situation he found himself in, but regardless who would be this angry about their being another Spider-Man going around.

Barging in through the doors was someone who Peter immediately recognised but thought he would never see again.

"A-Adriana Soria?" Peter said surprised.

Back in Peters original world Adriana, like everyone else he was working with, was a villain calling herself the Spider Queen. But unlike the rest of them, Adriana died during the events of spider island when his clone brother Kaine flew out the back of her head.

A Different Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें