What's going on?

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Everyone was shocked to see the face of Peter Parker under the Spider-Man mask.

"How can this be?" Beetle asked.

"I don't know. We need to run some tests, let's get back to base." Ock answered.

Ock began to leave while the others followed close behind aside from White Rabbit, Beetle and the unknown female.

"Are you alright Lorena?" Beetle asked.

"I... I don't know Janice. How can it be him?" Asked a worried Lorena.

"I don't know either Lorena. But... maybe... there's a chance." Janice tried to comfort her.

"It's not him." Shouted the younger girl.

"Alice..." Lorena quietly pleaded.

"Come on." Janice said leading them away.

They all left heading for their secret base in order to perform some tests on Spider-Man who is now revealed to be Peter Parker, who they are apparently familiar with.

Laid out in a medical table, the unconscious body of Peter Parker was strapped down as a scanner passed over him. The scan was to check for any abnormalities within his DNA that would indicate whether or not he was a clone or some shapeshifter.

However the results of the scan proved otherwise, the DNA was human, ruling out mutant or alien imposters. But they were still unsure of if he was a clone.

"So any news?" Asked a woman lingering in the shadows.

"So far we know that he is human... we will need to run a more extensive test and a possible brain scan to see if we are dealing with a clone." Informed Doc Ock.

"Keep me updated on this... I can't imagine what Lorena and Alice must be going through." The woman said sadly.

'Actually... I do.' She thought.

Otto went back to the scans and ran a deep brain analysis to check for any tampering of 'Peters' brain function, the results of which confused him as the mapping of this Peters brain was different from before.

"What can this mean? Perhaps 'he' could be of some us here in identifying who you really are?" Otto muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, inside the main lobby of their secret base the ones who encountered Spider-Man sat in near silence as the processed what they saw earlier.

White Rabbit or Lorena Dodson was sat with the now identified Alice curled up beside her, Lorena ran her hands through her hair in a comforting manner to keep her calm.

The mysterious woman made her presence known as she exited the main laboratory where Peter and Ock are, gaining everyone's attention as they rushed to find out any new information.

"Well? What's the verdict?" Asked Scorpia, otherwise known as Elaine Coll.

"Yea... is that really Peter in there?" Followed Francine Frye or Electro.

"Can it really be the Spider?" Asked Kraven.

"Huh... right now it's still in the air. Ocks running more in-depth tests to get a final verdict for me. But he's human, pretty much all I can say for right now." The woman answered them.

"What do you think... Cat?" Lorena spoke up.

The woman revealed herself to be Felicia Hardy or the Black Cat. "I... I want... to believe it's him." She said weakly.

Everyone looked down in solemness as they were still left wondering if they managed to get Peter back.

Back in the lab Otto was waiting for the arrival of the one man who he believed could prove once and for who this man really was.

"Ah... it's good to see you again. Victor." Greeted Otto as the door to his lab opened up.

"Likewise Octavius. Doom has prepared a spell that should prove the mind of our subject. All will be revealed." Said Victor Von Doom.

Approaching the table Doom started to chant an incantation and a green mist started to form around them, the mist grew until the entire room was filled.

Through the mist Doom began to see memories, but these were not his memories but the ones of the man strapped to the table. And what Doom saw truly shocked him, something that had been an unfamiliar feeling for him.

He saw the life of Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man. But something was different... the events and history that were in his memories were totally different from the events he recalled.

A very surprising dive into the memories of one Peter Parker showed that the man on the table was in fact Peter Parker... he just wasn't their Peter Parker.

The green mist dissipated as the room quickly returned to normal with Ock frantically waiting for the spell to end so he can learn the truth once and for all.

"So... who is he?" He asked impatiently.

Almost as if on cue Peter started to wake and tried to move his body, but when he found himself unable to move freely his eyes shot open and with a burst of strength he freed himself from the bindings surprising both Otto and Doom, who was unable to speak to Otto.

Noticing one of his greatest enemies and the powerful Dr Doom, Peter instantly ran for the closet door he could find. Unfortunately for him his luck on the other side of the door didn't fare any better.

In front of him stood the other enemies he saw with the addition of Felicia which was curious because he from what he remembered she wasn't associating with the crime syndicate anymore.

"Wait. Stop." Shouted Otto as he came out from behind him.

Peter instantly and instinctively took up a fighting stance ready to fight and waiting for one of them to set off his spider sense, which for whatever reason wasn't already blaring being surrounded by several enemies.

"Please stop, Peter we aren't going to harm you." Said Doom.

"He's right, we don't want to hurt you." Ock pleaded.

"Yea, that'll be a first for you guys." He said sarcastically.

"Please just listen, you aren't where you think you are and we aren't who you think we are." Doom tried to reason.

"What dose that mean? What's going on?" He demanded.

"You are in a different world Peter. We are not your enemies, we are the good guys in this world." Doom explained.

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