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Dear James,

Can't believe you'll be here next week, time has flown by!

The Christmasquerade is going great. We've been working non-stop on decorations and planning but it will all pay off in the end. It's been tricky to balance it along with my studying, and I really hope it doesn't reflect in my grades. (And no, Eric is still a pussy and won't ask Lexi out, but it's his loss.)

You better have photos of these Christmas decorations! I can't wait for our recap. Maybe we can do it while we bake? I've missed watching 'The Great British Bake Off'!

Another thing I hope to do while you're home is ice skating. There's a new rink just outside of town and I haven't gotten around to going yet. Partially because I know Lexi is pro and I'll be too ashamed to have one of those kiddie penguins beside her.

The town is hosting its new year's tradition as per usual, but the fireworks are meant to be ten times better this year! I think it's because Mrs Marshall passed away and is no longer here to file noise complaints, but they're writing it off as 'extra funding' from the local council.

I won't slump you with questions now, but expect a lot when you're here!

- Harps

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