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Hey Harp,

How was Thanksgiving? Sorry I didn't call, tell me all about it!

Have you put your Christmas tree up yet? They start celebrating Christmas really early over here, because we don't celebrate thanksgiving. My school is already decorated with small trees in every classroom and some fairy lights down the halls. My favourite is the library. It's full of berries, holly, and lights.

I've made a few new friends this term. I've met a lot of my granddad's friends' nieces, nephews and grandchildren. We had a friendly tennis tournament this afternoon, would you believe. I didn't win *shocker*, but it was kind of fun. Still think I'll stick to football.

On that note, I'm getting better at rugby. I understand the rules now, and T is training me like I'm about to play in the Six Nations (a rugby league between a few European countries).

How is cheer going? Is the football team still in the league or are they suffering awfully from my absence? (Please tell me they're doing bad to boost my ego).

How was your book? I haven't gotten around to finishing mine. I'm studying a lot, going out a lot, and my weekends are always fully booked with whatever grandma and granddad have planned, so I never get time to read, which is a shame.

Times flying, I'll be home again in just a few weeks!

Missing you,

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