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Little H,

Writing to you from 'my bedroom'. I'm at my grandparents' house for the weekend. I think I'll spend every weekend here. This room is massive. Imagine my room times four, but empty, and Victorian styled. Very fancy. I'm scared to touch anything incase it breaks. There's a massive window, with a seat too. My first thought was 'Harper would love to sit there and read when it's raining.'

I think I underestimated how much time my grandparents actually wanted to spend with me. The only time I'm in this room is to sleep. So far, Grandma is forcing me to start playing piano again. She's scary, so I'm practicing every weekend. I'm actually better than I remember myself being. Plus, having a grand piano in the house is slightly better than the keyboard in my room.

Grandad and I use the gym, a massive gym that they just casually have in their basement, every Saturday and Sunday morning. He's also taking me to his golf club every Sunday afternoon. Pray for me, Harps, I'm going to turn into a snob!

I kind of like it here. Not just because of the luxurious home, but it nice to spend time with them.

I'm also learning how to cook. When I explained that I was terrible at it, and I normally just watch you do it and taste test, grandma practically bit my head off. No feminist speech that you've given me could ever compare to the one she gave me that night.
So Harper, you're no longer allowed to bake me cookies. I must grow up and cater for you. I must cook you three course meals everyday, because it is the twenty-first century 'for goodness' sake!'

School is also pretty cool. I won't lie, I was shitting myself. Not only for the school side of it, but also for sleeping there four nights a week. But it's not all bad. The people here are either super posh, or not. No in between. You can tell who grew up with a silver spoon in their mouths, and who worked hard to be here. I've made a few new friends. They're fun, and funny.

But enough about me, what's going on back at home? Is school the same? Any new friends? Is everybody missing me? Who am I kidding, of course they are.

Sincerely yours,

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