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Dear Harper,

Can't wait to see you soon, should be home by the 23rd :) I think this will be my last letter of the year!

How's the preparations for the Christmasquerade going? It sounds pretty cool, can't wait to see your outfit. Has Eric grown a pair and asked Lexi to be his date or is he still shit-scared of Wesley?

Yes, Grandma has gone above and beyond with their decorations. I've even got a baby tree in my room. The one in the hallway is about 12 feet tall, and I almost fell over the banister trying to put the star on top.

We made gingerbread cookies the other day, but they didn't last long. I've already been taking copies of all the best recipes so we can try them out together.

We've got a few exams coming up this week and next week, so I've been slumped with studying and not doing as much sports - apart from golf or tennis on the weekends. Gran has also decided that she wants to starting joining me and Grandpa in the gym as her New Year's resolution - I'll let you know how it goes.

Can't wait to get home to see all the decorations, and the new and improved menu at Sally's. Going to go and find her Instagram page now.

Write back soon, but expect your response in person!

- Love James

James and Harper's To Do List Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora