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September 14th 📍Sally's Books & Brews

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September 14th
📍Sally's Books & Brews

- Harper -

"Have a great day!" I smiled, passing the coffee to the sweet lady. I'm a natural at this.

I think it took me a while to get used to my timetable without James, but I'm preserving nonetheless. Partially because of our list, which I'm nailing, by the way.

Number three, get a job? You're talking to the newest employee at Sally's Books and Brews. It was a no-brainer. I spend all my time here anyways, but now, instead of drinks and reading with James, I'm behind the till or stocking book shelves.

Number six, workout? Not only am I going for a run three times a week, I'm also now a member of our local gym. Watch out, she-hulk-Harper incoming.

That also leads us to number eight, start an extracurricular. I'm now back on the cheer team. I know, I shocked myself too. I thought I was going to leave that behind in freshman year, but I'm working towards being the best version of myself this year. No more hiding behind books, or being lazy.

And finally, number twelve, make new friends. Well, I didn't really have a choice there. Bar Lexi, James was my only friend. But in the past few weeks I've gotten to know Lexi's friend group. On top of that, James' teammates and I now have something in common - missing James. They're quite the attractive bunch, but James has a clear, no dating my teammates rule. But who's he to stop us from being friends? Gonna be pretty hard to do that from a different continent.

I turned up the music in the empty café, letting Taylor Swift circle the open room. Red, Taylor's version of course, really helps set the Autumnal scene happening outside. The leaves are turning orange, the odd ones scattered on the ground, blowing in the soft wind. People walking past are wearing jumpers and boots, and getting coffees to-go. Spiced drinks are back on Sally's menu. Pumpkins are now for sale in stores, as well as many Halloween decorations. I love it.

I keep meaning to go Halloween shopping, but it's something I've only ever done with James. I need to buy decorations, and plan my costume. I know I still have a month, but I like to be prepared. Lexi's parents plan to spend Halloween break in Vegas, leaving her and her brother, Wes, to an empty house. 'Perfect for a Halloween party!' She practically squealed when she told me this morning.

Not only would it have all Lexi's friends, who are quite a wild bunch, Wes' friends would be there too. 'Senior hotties' Lexi calls them. 'I'm just waiting for my brother's best friend romance to happen'.

I was on my tip toes, placing a book on the shelf when the bell above the door rang.
"Mary, hey."

"Oh, Harper! Lovely to see you."
I returned behind the till, surprising James' Mum. "Do you work here?"

"Yep, after school. Gives me something to do with my spare time."

"That's great, honey." She smiled. I see a lot of James in her. Although her light blonde hair is nothing like his, she's who gave him his icy blue eyes and dimples.

"What can I get for you?"

"I'd love a latte, please."

"Of course."
I began making her drink, the way Sally showed me last week.

"Have you been speaking to him much?" She asked.

"We called twice, but it's not easy, with time zones and all."

"Yeah, we're having the same problem. But we call him on the weekends, while he's with my parents."

"Mhm. He's wrote me a few letters too."


"Yeah. I think he's turning into an old man over there, he even seals them with wax." I laughed.

"We'll I'm delighted you're staying in touch, I think he was really upset - leaving you."

"I was too, it's strange not having him here."

"He didn't shed a tear saying bye to his father, but after talking to you, he wore his sunglasses the full drive there, even though it was cloudy."

I found my lip pouting. I didn't think of James as the type to cry over that. "Do you know when he's going to be home next?" I asked, changing topic. I guess I hoped he'd come home for Halloween, or even Thanksgiving, but James' family never really celebrated it.

"He wanted to- well, I'm not really sure. Probably not until Christmas."

"Okay." I nodded and passed her the cup of coffee. "Here."

"It was great to see you, dear."

"You too. Have a good day."

I let out a sigh when the door closed behind her. I'm not exactly sure why. I guess I was doing okay, adjusting to not having him here, but seeing Mary was a massive reminder that he's not here, and won't be for a while.

The next person to enter was Sally. She went for her lunch at a café down the road. She was delighted to actually have an employee, and discovered the joy of having a break. "Hey, darling. All's good?"

"All good." I smiled.

"Have a break, Harp, I'll make you a drink."

"Thank you."
I grabbed my bag from behind the till and took a seat at our table. My bag took his seat and I pulled out his letter, a notebook and pen.

I decided to reread his note, so I could figure out how to form a response.

I found myself smiling at his words, and opened my notebook, having a thousand things I want to tell and ask him. There's so many words I need to share but I can't fit them all on one page. So I narrowed it down to the key points, and made mental notes to tell him one our next phone call.


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