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November 15th📍Sally's Books & Brews

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November 15th
📍Sally's Books & Brews

- Harper -

I reread the letter twice, and laughed both times. He couldn't even fill an A4 page.
I took a while to collect myself after his leave, not because I was sad to see him go, (don't get me wrong; I was) but it was because of how we left things. I thought the air was cleared, but now there's no way to know for sure.

I told myself I would do exactly what I did after he left in August - carry on with my life and be the best version of myself possible.

As soon as I recovered from my cramps and meltdowns - yes, I am exactly what men think the definition of hormonal is, bite me - I got up, put on some makeup, and got back to work.

I sipped on my hot chocolate, using my red scarf as a blanket on my lap. The cute autumn air is becoming less cute and more cold, but I refuse to accept it. It's just more excuse to wear layers, which are super fashionable, as well as convenient.

I can't act like my heart didn't snap in two at the loss of Halloween decorations. I did however spend all my work earnings on discounted decor for next year. Future me can thank me later.

James' letter sat on the table, the top of it folding over like muscle memory. I tried to listen to my audio book of 'Pride and Prejudice' that played quietly through my headphones, but I couldn't focus on the words. I shouldn't be wasting time on books right now either, with the way homework is piling up, but I'm waiting for-

Ah. Speak of the devil.

"Afternoon, Sal." His voice followed the sound of the doorbell, barely audible through my headphones. I took them down instantly, leaving them hung around my neck. "Hey, Harper."

Ricky dropped his bag and sat down on the table across from me, in all his post-football-practice glory. His wet curls from the shower. His rosy cheeks from working out, or the cold, I can't really tell. His matching black hoodie and joggers. "Hey." I smiled. "How was practice?"

"Good." He flashed a dimple, "waiting on me?"

"Mhm." I nodded, picking up my bag off the floor to pull some book out. I left our History textbook on the table and saw his eyes on the letter. James' letter.

I picked it up straight away, folding it will stuffing into between some copy books in my bag. It's not that I don't want Red to see it, but at the same time, I really don't want Red to see it. He'll probably think it's old fashioned, but it's mine and James' thing. I don't want anyone else's input.

"History first?" I asked, though he didn't have much leverage to protest.

"Sure." He sat back. Sally came to the table, leaving his usual, to which he thanked her with a white smile that made her blush.

We've grown accustomed to this routine. After school, I come here to work for a few hours. When Red is free, he comes here too, and we study together. I don't feel like his tutor, considering we're learning the same things, but it's nice to have a study buddy.

Now that James isn't here to be it. My mind sang.

We met up a few times over Halloween break. Most of the time it was just for a drink and a chat about a certain subject. I'd brief the topic and he'd sit and listen. We've learned a technique to help him understand. He likes to call it, 'talk to me like I'm six years old'. I like to think of it as elaboration with a lot of metaphors.

"Right, we're both going to read the chapter, and take down separate notes. Then we'll compare them, and see what we need to work on."

"What I need to work on." He chuckled, pulling his chair around to sit beside me, so we could both read the textbook. My left hand fell over my notebook, covering my notes. "No peeking."

"I would never." He fake gasped, and I chuckled in response. "Read it." I pointed the back of my pen to the page. We both sat in silence - him reading the page, me indulging in his cologne. I scanned over the paragraphs to find the key words, locations and dates, and jot down quick and messy notes.

He seemed to be struggling a bit. His pen hovered over the page, occasionally tapping on and off of it. "All okay?" I asked.

"I can't pick out the key points. Why are they on the page if they aren't important?"

"They all contribute, but some are more important than others, and more likely to be a question in a test. Look for key words - names, dates, locations and so on." I twisted my copy, showing him mine.

I like helping Red, and hanging around him in general. He's always himself, wether we're with our other friends too, or alone studying. He isn't scared to ask for help with work and shows how appreciative he is.

Dancing with him at Lexi's made me explore ideas. Would I develop a crush on him? We will be spending a lot of time together, and he is very attractive. But from the past week or two I've decided that I couldn't possibly date someone like him. Besides, we get along so well, I wouldn't want to lose our friendship that's quickly formed over textbooks and coffees.

We spent the next hour taking notes. I added doodles and jokes to help him remember some things, and we talked it through, making sure he understood the plot line. His notebook is now a variety of colours, sticky notes, doodles and black bold writing.

"You've got to read this. Look over them, say them out loud, focus on it and think it through."

"I know and I will. I want to do well on this test."

"You will. I know you're so capable of acing it. I have high hopes."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm." I nodded at his smirk.

His elbow dug into the table and he rested the side of his face on his fist, tilting his head to look at me. "And what will I get if I do?"

"How about we do something that isn't studying. Like bowling or a movie."
Like a date? I wanted to ask, but couldn't.

"Okay, sure." I agreed. Red makes studying fun, I'm sure I'd have a great time, no matter what we do.
"If you get a B or above, you pick where we go. If you don't, I pick... and you have to do something of my choice."

"Like what?"

"I don't know yet. I might make you wear your jersey back to front. Or paint your nails bright pink for a week."

"Those are supposed to be threats? You know I look good in anything."

"Fine, I'll have to think of something better, but let's hope it doesn't come down to that, yeah?"

"Okay, deal." He held out a hand for me to shake.


I took my time getting home and eating dinner, and it was nearly 10pm by the time I got around to writing back to James. I'll post it out in the morning, but for now, I need to think of something- anything- that I can say to fill this damn page.

These 3 updates have not been proofread, sorry for any mistakes!
Slow on updates now, but hope to be super active over Christmas/New Year.
Thank you for the reads and votes! Love to see people enjoying my stories :)
Xoxo - me

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