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October 29th📍Harper's House

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October 29th
📍Harper's House

- James -

I'm losing my mind, and I'm completely okay with it. I feel like I've taken drugs with the way my brain is running, bouncing and doing cartwheels. She doesn't realise what her touch did to me, and her lips on my neck? I couldn't breathe.
I thought my pulse might explode beneath her touch.

All while I was hyper aware of small hand on my thigh. Even at the mention of my dick, she didn't bother move it, which sent shockwaves through my body.

It's perverted - what I thought when I saw her smudged lips. Her pupils enlarged from the darkness, staring straight at me, while a small smile coated her faded red lips. It just adds to the images I can picture when I wrap my hand around my dick.

That same dick that throbbed when she sucked on my thumb. God, I saw a different side of her tonight. But of course, she was just distracting me. She didn't mean it, she wasn't into it. Which is why she skipped away and talked about how cute the kids in costumes are the full way back to the car.

I want her to know these things now. I'm sick of hiding how I feel. I need to grow a pair of balls and tell her.

But instead of speaking up, I'm quietly reciting the words of Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts while she sleeps in the passenger seat.

I feel selfish for keeping her out this late - she has to wake up for school in less than six hours - but I need to make the most of this week I have with her.

I didn't bother wake her up when I pulled into her driveway. I quietly opened her door and unbuckled her, scooping her out of the seat.
"James-" she stirred.

"Yeah, we're home."
Her hands wrapped around my neck while I carried her up her front steps. The door was unlocked, and I opened it as quietly as possible, not to wake her parents.

Mr Brown sat waiting in the sitting room. He looks nothing like Harper, apart from their brown hair. His was slightly greying, with reading glasses perched on top. He sat with his leg crossed, and a newspaper in his hands.

"Hi, um, she fell asleep in the car." I whispered, when he raised an eyebrow.

I know he trusts me. I'd like to think he even likes me, but father's will always be concerned about their daughters. His opinion on me matters a lot, because being with Harper matters even more. "I'm sorry we're back so late."

"That's quite alright." He finally smiled. "Did she have a good birthday?"

And that's when I realised - she barely got to see her dad today. I'm such a selfish prick.
"She did." I assured him. "We went to Carnoween."

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