The Princess of Treason

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Then let us join them."

Aren held my illusions arm as he escorted me into the Throne room. While I was cloaked from sight behind them. I watched as Loki was chained up by the guards and led into the Throne room where our father sat on Asgard's Throne.

"Loki." Our mother said disappointedly at her son.

"Hello, Mother." Loki turned toward her. "Have I made you proud?"

"Loki, please. Don't make this worse." She stated.

"Define worse?"

"Enough!" Odin yelled and his voice echoed through the room. "Arrest my daughter as well."

"But father!" I shouted and Aren held me tightly. Guards surrounded us and placed cuffs on my hands and feet as well.

"Father, please. Y/n fought valiantly on Earth. She has redeemed herself siding with me to help capture our brother."

"That does not excuse her previous actions. A true Asgardian wouldn't have given in so easily. They would have rather died then do any of the unspeakable things she helped cause through out the realms." Odin demanded loudly.

"Odin..." Frigga said sadly as she looked upon me in shackles.

"Silence!" He demanded. "I will speak to the prisoners alone."

Our Mother was guided by Thor towards the back of the room.

"Psst." I hissed and Thor stopped and noticed me from the corners of his eyes. He pulled our Mother to exit the Throne room and I followed behind them. "Mother." I breathed as she took me into her arms. "I can't stay long, or my illusion will fizzle out. Thank you for vouching for Loki. I'd rather he sit in prison then die."

"You are my children and I do not wish to see harm fall upon either of you. I do not approve of this but I do not approve of seeing you sit in jail either." She said as she gave me a pointed look to which I nodded.

"I know, Mother. I am sorry I was not able to be a better child. But I must do what I have too. I will keep in contact. I love you so much."

"And I love you, darling." Mother said as she stroked my face.

"Goodbye, brother." I said as I smiled weakly at Thor and he hugged me.

"I will see you again soon. I promise." Thor smiled.

I walked back inside the Throne room unseen.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about." Loki chuckled.

"I still don't understand why I am being punished." I huffed stepping forward towards the bottom of the steps below where my father sat.

"Wherever either of you go, there is war, ruin, and death." Odin explained.

"I was but a child following the orders of an abusive captor. One may I remind you that you so kindly chose to abandon me with. That is correct." I stated seeing his shocked face. "I know about the fact that you knew where I was all these years and you chose not to rescue me. All because you couldn't bare to leave your precious throne." I hissed bitterly.

"You know not of what you speak. You are a traitor and no daughter of mine." He hissed back. The guards pulled me back and I huffed angrily from my hiding spot. His face turned towards Loki, when I noticed Loki looked at my illusion almost sympathetically. "And you. Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes?" Odin asked.

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you." Loki smirked as he spoke in a smug manner.

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die." Odin replied simply. "Just as humans do."

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