The Return of a Princess

Start from the beginning

    "I-I'm s-sorry Father." Y/n coughed. "I-I couldn't hold it."

    Thanos walked over towards them and lent out his hands towards his daughter who was being held up by Gamora and Nebula. Hesitantly she reached for him and they handed her over. Thanos's giant purple fist wrapped around her wrist and he half carried her to the other wall just outside the room, where pod ships waited. Y/n looked at him slightly confused.

    "You did well, daughter." Thanos nodded. "But the plan must still take place. Take this pod and get to Midgard by any means." Thanos said in a calm and yet demanding sort of way.

    "Yes, Father. Thank you, Father." Y/n nodded slowly.

    He patted her head and pressed the button, opening the doorway. She walked inside and took a seat, preparing to pilot the pod. The release button had been pressed and off she flew into space. All on her own for the first time in 22 years. After swiftly disabling the tracking device, Y/n's plan was set into motion. She needed to rescue her brother and she was slightly unsure of how to do that. She knew where she needed to go but, Loki had told her little of what had gone on at home. But she hoped that regardless of blood, that at least her brother Thor would help her.

    She input the coordinates and used the last of her power to generate a portal to Asgard. The ship was sucked through almost like hyperspace and suddenly she could see the great golden palace of Asgard. One thing she was quick to notice was that the rainbow bridge she once loved as a child was gone and had been destroyed. She couldn't help but be curious about it, but her vision started to fade. The ship tilted to the side and skid across a open green field with her starting to pass out on the inside. Before her eyes could fully close, someone with a large red cape and some sort of hammer in their hand landed in front of her pod with a thump. They pried it open and her eyes closed as she felt strong hands being wrapped around her.

    Y/n's mind rolled with everything she needed to remember. But she was feeling completely wiped out after using her powers again. Y/n knew she needed to get to the home she hadn't been to in years and try to convince her brother to come with her to Midgard. She knew she had to save Loki at any cost, to convince him that his need to be king wasn't real. It was all from being touched by that powerful scepter. Loki deserved so much more out of life then just the throne. He wasn't acting himself and he had made a deal for the exchange of the tesseract.

    As she finally began to come too she could hear voices surrounding her. Had she been captured again? Was her feat of leaving home pointless?

    "Y/n? Can you hear me?" A unfamiliar voice asked and some sort of light shined through her lids. Making her squint uncomfortably. "A reaction. She's coming too." The womanly voice informed someone else.

    "Y/n?" A soft voice said and she suddenly got the warm feeling of someone grabbing a hold of her hand. "Darling, it's okay. You're safe, wake up my love."

    "Loki..." Y/n whimpered and she began to open her eyes.

    Her vision was a bit blurry but slowly becoming clearer. A beautiful older woman sat beside her bed holding her hand. While a man with a large red cape paced at the end of the bed until he heard her voice. He was much taller, with longer blonde hair and slight facial stubble. Y/n gasped as she fully came to and sat forward abruptly. How long had she been out for? Frightened and nearly forgetting where she was. She ripped her hand away from the woman's and her fists glowed with silver light in self defense.

    "Whoa!" Some of the healer's in the room moved away and put up their hands.

    "Someone must calm her!"

    "Where am I? Where is Loki? Loki!" Y/n gasped.

    "My darling, please. Calm down and put your powers away. You are safe here. There is no reason to be so hostile in front of your family." The familiar womanly voice called out to her softly and yet sternly, like a mother would... Y/n's mother. Frigga.

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