The bay doors opened. Pulling the two doors sideways, revealing four guards with a prisoner in between them. And two others that followed behind. He had long black hair that was grimy and covered his face. His feet dragged along the ground as they pulled him into the room. Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest. She'd seen plenty of prisoners in her time with Thanos. Why was this one going to be any different and why would he mean something to her?

    "What's he got to do with me?" Y/n scoffed. Which only made Thanos's grin even wider.

    "You mean to tell me that after all this time, you don't recognize your own brother?" Thanos stated questionably.

He had walked forward and roughly pulled Loki's face up by his hair, making Y/n gasp loudly. Her hands flew to her mouth for a moment before she tried rushing forward. The extra two guards rushed her and held her in their grasp as she fought against them. Loki looked weakly up at his long lost sister for the first time in years. His face was paler than usual, he was grimy looking, his face sunken in with the copious amounts of torture. His once beautiful happy and mischievous emerald green eyes were dull and faded. This angered Y/n even more. Her hand sparked with rage and she punched both guards with her glowing fists. Making them fly away from her.

    "What did you do?" Y/n demanded angrily as she ran towards her brother before suddenly being stopped mid motion in the air by Ebony Maw.

    "You see this is the problem, Y/n. You're soft and easy to read when it comes to your family. Which is why you still fight and have so much more to learn. You have two choices my little one, fight now with your sister or watch your brother fade away slowly and painfully into Valhalla. Their will be no tricks or resurrections this time." Thanos growled at his prisoner.

    "Y/n/n... Don't." Loki said weakly. She met his gaze just before a right hook landed too his face from Thanos' fist.

    "No! Stop, please!" Y/n cried out as the punching continued. "All right! All right, I'll do it. Just stop!" She screamed.

Thanos ceased the beating leaving Loki's bloodied face to hang back down. Dripping red to the floor. Thanos nodded his head towards Gamora and that was the only thing done. Not a word was said. Y/n was released from the hold and she made her way onto the mat.

    "I'm so sorry." Y/n mouthed.

Gamora gave her a quick sad smile but knew in her heart that if she were in the same position she too would do the same for her family. With a slight nod, her face quickly returned to it's emotionless one.

The two began to circle one another and Gamora moved first. She jumped towards the left as Y/n pushed her hands forward, sending a beam of light towards her. Only narrowly missing her. Gamora rolled forward throwing a fist into Y/n's stomach. She crunched over in slight pain and glared at her sister. She leapt forward and climbed on top of Gamora before quickly pulling her down and pinning her to the ground. Her hands used energy to keep Gamora's pinned, but Gamora threw her head forward, knocking into Y/n. Knocking her off balance and focus.

As her concentration broke and she fell backwards off her sister, giving Gamora the opportunity to get away. Y/n quickly sat up and put her hands into the air wrapping the energy around her ankles and pulling her back towards the ground. Y/n knew she wasn't using her full potential as she didn't want to hurt Gamora more than she had too. The two rushed at each other and began fighting in fist to fist combat.

    "You're holding back, Y/n." Thanos warned her. He eye'd Loki and Y/n groaned distracted after getting hit in the shoulder by her sister's fist.

She whipped her hand out and flung Gamora across the room with a burst of silver light. Gamora groaned as she rolled across the mat and quickly back onto her feet. Gamora lunged and dodged all Y/n's aimed rays of light while trying to make her way back to her. Wanting nothing more than the fight to be over, Y/n clapped her hands together and then aimed her hands. Her eyes glowed white and she hovered in the air. Gamora was hit and cried out as she too hovered in the air surrounded by the unbreakable field of silvery mist. Gamora felt like a hundred little needles were piercing her skin. As Y/n came back too, she lowered herself and Gamora to the ground. Her powers made her feel wiped out and she crumpled to the floor. Thanos smiled proudly and walked over to her, brushing her silvery (Y/H/C) hair away from her face.

    "You did well, little one. You may go rest." Thanos remarked softly. Y/n nodded with a wince and she stood up with his help. "Gamora, you as well."

    "Thank you, father." Both girls stated.

They looped their arms around each other, leaning on one another for support. On the way back to their room, Y/n felt a tickle in her brain, like a feather was being rubbed across her skin. She focused on that feeling and let out a breath of air as she finally laid down on her bed. It was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time that she very much missed. Loki was trying to connect with her.

    "Hello?" Y/n called out.

    "Hello, Y/n/n." Loki stated almost grumpily.

    "Oh, Lo. I'm so sorry that you are now stuck here too. I'm sorry about all of what you had to see and most especially about abandoning you."

    "You're apologizing to me when you've been the one being held captive by this homicidal manic?" Loki questioned incredulously.

    "Well, I mean yes. I suppose I am... How did you get here anyways?" She asked curiously.

    "I'd rather not." Loki said with a tone letting her know he'd rolled his eyes.

    "Lo, please. It's been 22 years. I need to know. I've desperately missed you and our family. How are they?" Y/n begged him for any information on her family.

    "They are no family of mine." Loki scoffed harshly.

    "Whatever are you taking about? Of course they are!" Y/n questioned rather surprised at her brother's outburst inside her head.

    "No they are not and neither are you!" Loki hissed. Y/n gasped at his words. He'd never really been so harsh with her. After getting no response back he sighed after a moment. "You were to young to have known, but Odin and Frigga are not my biological kin. I was just another stolen relic from Jotunheim. A prize taken by Odin because he thought to reunite our kingdoms one day. But Asgard was attacked by Laufey the Frost Giant's King and I have discovered he is my biological father. I am nothing but a monster."

    "Oh, Loki. Don't say such things. You are no monster. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. You'll always be my Lo. I'd do anything for you, brother, and you know that." Y/n said with a small sigh.

    "I know." Loki replied quietly. "As much as I despise the rest of our family, I don't think I could hate you if I tried."

    "Thank you for that." Y/n replied sarcastically with a chuckle. "You don't hate them, Lo. You're understandably angry but you don't hate them. I can feel it. I am glad to know that you are okay... Well, as well as you can be right now. I have missed you so much my brother."

    "And I you, my sister. Get some rest. You fought well back there." Loki shushed her sweetly inside her mind. He started to hum and old lullaby that he used to sing to her as a child and that soothed her almost immediately.

Y/n smiled to herself and a stray tear rolled down her face. She thought for the first time in years maybe, just maybe there was hope after all. She laid on her pillow turning to look at her sister who's bed was still beside hers. Gamora laid asleep and that eased Y/n's mind more. She slowly closed her eyes coming to the most peaceful state she'd been in, in years and slowly went to sleep.

Word Count: 2,115

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