Get over her

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I woke up to someone knocking at my door. "Who tf is here this early?" I said as I stood up and walking to the door. I opened my door as I rubbed my eyes.. Neymar. "Oh hey Neymar, what are you doing here?" I asked "I wanna talk about Bianca" "Why? I don't like her" "That's exactly what I wanted to ask so thank you for the answer" "No problem" I said as I walked to the kitchen while Neymar was following.

"You want anything?" "Omg I'm starving" "Ofc you are" I said while laughing.

Leo? "Yeah it's done in like 2 min" "okayyyy" I said while scrolling through Instagram. I saw a photo of Bianca and decided to stalk her. I scrolled down before they started talking and found out she was dating 3 different guys and they were rich. I gasped as I thought about it. "SHE USED ME FOR MONEY"

I was cooking pancakes for Neymar as I watched him scroll through insta. I was almost done until I heard Neymar scream "SHE USED ME FOR MONEY" I jumped and looked at him. "Who?" "WHO DO YOU THINK" "oh, I told you shes a bad person" "I should listen to you more often" he said with his mouth full of pancakes.

I finished eating and thought about making Bianca jealous. "I have an idea" I said while looking at Leo. "What now?" "Let's make her jealous" "How and why?" I asked while he was smirking.

"Don't you think this will gain more rumours?"
"Who cares, she deserves it" he said as we stood in front of the Eiffel Tower ready to take a picture. Neymar kissed my cheek while the tower was glowing with sparks and he took the photo. He posted it to his story and his whole phone was blowing up 10 sec after.

I was looking at insta just to find Neymar. I clicked on his story and saw it. I got so mad cause I don't have any rich guy with me anymore.

Do you like Bianca (I don't..)❤️ Hope you liked it<33

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