Pretend to care

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"Guys Paqui just texted me about Sergios funeral" "shit was that today?" Neymar asked not caring about the fact that it's a dead person. "Okay we're gonna be there and we have to at least act nice and caring" I told both of them like a mom. "Fine just get dressed we'll leave in 1 hour" Neymar said since he was driving. Both me and Neymar got upstairs to the room while Ronaldo drove back home to get ready.

"Okay which suit should I wear?" Neymar asked as he held up two options. One of the suits were black and the other black. "Aren't they the same?" I asked confused. "No this one is Prada and this one is Dior" he said as a professional. "Oh, I like Dior" "then I'll take that" he placed a kiss on my forehead and went into the shower. "Wait for me".

After we had showered and done that we got dressed. I was wearing a black something suit while Neymar was wearing his Dior suit.

We got downstairs and was surprised to see Ronaldo sitting on the couch. "How long have you been sitting there?" Neymar asked confused. "About 10 min, by the way it's only 5 min left until we gotta be there" "SHIT HURRY" I yelled and we all rushed out the door.

10 min later:
We finally got to the church where the funeral was. We were 5 minutes late but I don't think it has started yet. We got in and heard everyone talk. "We're not late it's fine" I told them as I sighed. I know Ramos kinda raped me but he kinda was my boyfriend at the time and he was my teammate.

As we walked up to the people EVERYONE stared at us. The only football players I could see was Modric Mbappé and Hakimi. I greeted Mbappé with a wave and he did the same. We sat down all togheter in the front cause it was the only empty.

After the whole talking thing we decided to leave early cause we have to investigate the reason why he died. We all stood up and started walking towards the door until we was met by Modric crying. Do we say something? Modric was Ramos best friend, they were friends since high school since they taught each other football. I told Neymar and Ronaldo to go out to the car so I could talk to Modric alone and they did as I said.

I walked over to Modric and when he noticed me he was about to get up. "Hey I just wanna say I'm so sorry for your lost, I just wanna let you know that he loved you more than anything" "no, he chose you over me" he said while crying. "What are you talking about" I asked him curious. "I was in love with him for almost 20 years but he just wanted you" I gasped 20 YEARS, that's insane. "He talked about you every night we would have a sleepover and it became so tiring that I decided to ignore him for 2 weeks. "Why didn't you tell me about it I could've told him to find true love before he asked me" "no, he deserved the greatest player in the world" I just stood there not being able to say anything as he left. I really mess up people's life's.

I got to the car still shocked of what he told me. He had to listen to him talking about me while he was in love with him for 20 years. This is insane. I should probably talk more to Modric so he can forgive me. It wasn't my fault after all.

"Earth to Leo?" I had zoned out. "yeah" I answered weird. "Damn I've been calling your name for almost 30 times now" Neymar said while driving. "What are you thinking about?" Ronaldo asked in the back seat. "Just football things"which was a big lie. "mhm sure" he said suspicious. "OKAY IM THINKING ABOUT A FUCKING TAPE THATS KILLING PEOPLE IN THIS CITY" I yelled to them. "We're gonna find it, I promise" Neymar said as he placed his hand on mine. "when will someone ever love me?" Ronaldo asked himself in the back.

When we arrived at Neymars house I just had to tell Ronaldo something. "Hey Ronaldo you know you don't live here so when the fuck will you leave me and my boyfriend alone" I had to be with Neymar alone. "Fine I'll leave now, call me if you find something"

"Hey babe are you hungry" Neymar asked as soon as we got in. "Yeah, should we maybe go out and eat" I suggested and he liked the idea.

"Okay what do you want?" Neymar asked and I had no idea. We were at some French fancy restaurant by the Eiffel Tower. Maybe some quiche Lorraine. I tried it once and it was amazing. "I'll have quiche Lorraine" I told the waitress "I'll have the same" Neymar said quick so the waitress would disappear. "Hey what's bothering you? Is it the tapes" Neymar asked while he placed his hand on mine. "No it's just something Luka said" "who?" "Modric" "oh right what did he say?" Should I really tell him about the whole thing or do I just make up a lie.

I decided to tell Neymar the truth since we're togheter and Ramos is gone now. "Oh I already knew that" was his only response. "And you didn't tell me" "I thought it was obvious" he said not knowing how serious this actually is. "Whatever let's just eat"

After we had eaten we decided to go to the Eiffel Tower that Neymar loves more than me. "Picture time baby" was obviously the first sentence that came out of Neymar when we were standing in front of it. We wanted to kiss on our photo but didn't know how to take a picture so we just asked a stranger. "Hey could you take a picture of me and my boyfriend" Neymar asked about 3 people until one girl said yes. He placed his hand on my jawline as I had my arms around his waist and we kissed very romantic. I heard a click Neymars phone and understood that she was done but we weren't. We continued to kiss for 3 seconds until I broke it and took the phone. "Thank you so much" I told the sweet girl "no problem" she responded. "You didn't have to kiss me for 5 seconds" "why not baby, it's not like anyone cares" "that's not what I meant"

"Posted" he said as I got a notification "Neymar  jr tagged you in a post"
The notification said. I opened it and the photo was beautiful. The tower was glittery as we kissed. I opened my messages on Instagram "miss you😘" - de Paul

Shit I forgot about him.

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