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"What the hell is this" Rodrigo said. We were just hugging "and kissing" Rodrigo said sounding sad. "What about it? it's not like you didn't know there was something going on between us" I told him. "But it's just rumours" "Well those rumours turned real" after telling him that I could see that he was about to cry. "Neymar" I looked at him and nodded to the door. "Mhm" he said still crying after what happened.

Bro I just lost the World Cup and now Rodrigo is just gonna take Leo away from me. What the hell am i supposed to do now? I was just walking around the thing crying until I felt someone grab my arm and push me against the wall. "Uhm what do you want?" "Hey im really sorry about the World Cup thing, you deserve it much more than those Croatians" Cristiano said. "Thank you?" I said confused. Why the hell is Cristiano talking to me? "Look I need your help" "what?" "I think I'm getting stalked" he said and I just laughed right at his face. "I'm serious" "oh by who?" "How the fuck am I supposed to know" he said annoyed. "Idk" "but you're gonna help me figure it out" "I'm good, I've got lots on my mind" I said "like what?" "Leo and my country" "screw him" "I'm not helping you if you talk about him like that" I said as I pushed him off of me "okay I'm sorry" he said sarcastic. "What's the plan?" I asked.

I nodded for Neymar to leave and he did it. I feel really bad for just leaving him crying but I gotta hear what Rodrigo has to say. "Why are you crying, aren't you supposed to be happy for me?" "Yes I am but" "but what?" "I would be happier if it was me you were just holding and kissing" he said and I stood up in shock. "What?" "Yeah I've always wanted to tell you" "but we're best friends" "weren't you and Neymar also that?" "I'm sorry I have to" I didn't say anything else before I left the room.

I was just going for fresh air after what Rodrigo just told me. 20 steps out of the room and I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw Neymar and Ronaldo pressed against each other. I started tearing up as I saw them. I was about to say something until Neymar pushed him away. I couldn't quite hear what they said but it was something about a plan. I gasped. Is it about me?

*hours later*

"Hey babe did you talk to Rodrigo?" "Yeah he said something so surprising that I had to get fresh air and when I came back he was gone" "really what did he say?" "I'll tell you tomorrow" I told him with a smirk on my face. He was still sad but understood my smirk and went on top of me. He started kissing me aggressively and I liked it. He took of my shirt and started sucking my neck leading me to get hickeys. He went down my chest and abs. It felt so fucking good. I moaned loud and he covered my mouth cause there were thin walls.


I woke up alone. Why isn't Neymar next to me? I started panicking. "NEYMAR" I screamed like he was dead. "God what is it?" Neymar asked with a towel around his waist. "damn you're hot" I said and he walked up to the bed. "Wanna continue of yesterday?" "I like the sound of that" I said and he started kissing my neck as I moaned quietly. "GOOD MORNING" María said. "BRO CAN YOU KNOCK" I screamed while kinda laughing since it's my best friend. "Sorry to disturb but there's breakfast" he told the half naked Neymar and me. "Looking good" María said trynna get over the fact that he almost saw us fuck. "OUT" "yes sir"

We got out of the room and went to the cafeteria. We sat down where we usually sit except there was no Brazilians. "Had fun last night?" Martinez said while laughing. "What?" "Your neck" he said "SHIT" I screamed loud as fuck and everyone stared at me. I ran to the bathroom leaving the sad Neymar alone.

"SHIT" Leo screamed and everyone stared at him. He ran to the bathroom leaving me alone. I'm still sad after loosing and I will never forgive myself for it but I have to talk to Marquinhos. I went up and threw my food away. As I was about to leave someone stopped me. "Stay right there" Cristiano said. "Do you have a plan cause I have to talk to Marquinhos" I said sounding sad. "Kinda and again I'm sorry about the World Cup thing" "aren't you gonna play today?" "Yeah I am but this is also important" I could feel everyone's eyes on us since we barely talk and people still think Leo and Cristiano are enemies. "Okay so you're gonna follow me around today and we'll catch the stalker" "but I have to talk to Marquinhos" "yeah now but not later" "fine whatever" I said while rolling my eyes.

I checked the hickeys and tried to hide them with my shirt. Which sorta worked but it didn't really matter cause everyone has already seen it. I went back to the cafeteria and Neymar was gone? I ran up to my table "where's Ney?" "He went to talk to Marquinhos" "oh okay".

I knocked on Marquinhos door and he opened a few seconds later. We both looked into each others sad eyes and hugged. "Marquinhos it's not you fault" "but it is and you know it" "ITS NOT" "it's no one's fault" I told him "but" "no buts, it's true"

After talking with Marquinhos for a while I remembered the plan. I went to the Portugal side. Was i even allowed to be here? "que porra você está fazendo aqui? sair" "ele está comigo" Cristiano told the man who I did not know who he was. "Just go to my game and afterwards follow me around" "fine how much do you pay me?" "10000" "more" "15000" "fine I don't have anything else to do"

The match was boring since it said 0-0 for like 40 min until Morocco scored. Well that wasn't good. The game ended and Portugal lost. I ran down to their locker room and saw everyone crying. Just like we did. "Hey I'm sorry" "it happens to the best of us" he said as he gave me a bro hug. "I guess so"

I KNOW THIS CHAPTER WAS VERY STRANGE BUT YOU WILL UNDERSTAND LATER🫶🤍  Also ignore my Portuguese I've said it before I'm not pro!❤️

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