56) My god is gonna owe me

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Extra long chapter for you my dudes, I hopes you enjoy 🖤

The amount of times I've rewritten scenes is uncountable-

The amount of times I've rewritten scenes is uncountable-

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TW: Description of blood and gore

Isla lay in tears of grief and sorrows for hours, both physical and mental pain hitting her hard. It like her chest hurt as hard as her leg, feeling like a weight was dropped on it.

Although her cries of pain quieted down, the River of tears never ceased. With her head laying against the floor, Isla lay hopeless in dreary. She couldn't save him. He was gone.

What worth did she have?

Silent sobs left her lips, the young women wanting the ground to just swallow her whole. With the picture in one hand, and the diamond from her necklace still in the other, Isla hadn't moved.

There was no point in trying to find a way out, no one was looking for her. There was no doubt they knew he was dead, why would anyone come after her now?

"Maxy, Maxy I'm so sorry.." Isla cried, laying on her back while the tears ran down her face. She couldn't bare to imagine what pain he would've went through. The fire, explosion, being alone...

Her entire body ached, so much guilt and depression hitting her harder than a bus. Isla couldn't look at the picture. But at the same time, her eyes wouldn't stop looking at the image.

His body was partially in a fetal position, with his left hand reaching out to what looked like the direction of the door.

His hand would never grab on.

The loose grey tee shirt he wore that night would burn to an ash agains his skin.

The comfy sweatpants she thought of stealing so many times burned to his body.

The gold watch and chain she gifted him gone-

Wait, what?

"Dove, stop for just a moment." He tells, Isla ignoring him as she goes over to the packed bag she brought for their short stay. She pulled out another velvet jewelry box, coming over to him.

"I got you another gift, a-a few actually." Maxim noticed the tears still in her eyes, a small sniffle coming straight from her broken heart.

Doing everything she could to hold those tears back, Isla opened the box to reveal a gold watch. "I-I didn't know what else to get you, since you're like a gazillionaire, s-so I thought maybe a pretty watch?"

Isla immediately sat up, hissing from the pain in her leg with instant regret. But pushing away the pain, she brought the picture over and took a closer look.

He sits down on the edge of the bed, pulling her in between his open legs. "Well, I got it in Italy when you weren't looking. I-I have another present for you, of course! But I thought you might want to wear it..if you don't it's ok! I won't be-"

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