VPoké Chapter 11: Vs Grimm Legend.

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The broken moon of Remnant shone brightly in the late evening sky as many people were going to bed or starting their nightly routine for bed. That is what most people do at this hour. But not teams RWBY, JNPR and the twins. Sun, Neptune, Coco and Velvet have all declined their offer to join them for the reason being that they have something planned with their own teams. Those ten individuals were at the EPS using the dim light of the shattered moon to their advantage for a special kind of training. What is this training you may ask? Well.

Ruby: "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Ruby asked as she fiddled with a bright red blindfold she has fastened around here eyes preventing her to see. All around her were the Pokemon that are able to use non homing ranged moves as well as some of her friends with their weapons. 

Saph: "Well, you have made some progress in the Aura department. And you did say that you heard Lycanrok say something that wasn't her name so I think you are ready for this part of the training. Besides, I'm pretty certain that you will have a much easier time with Dust bullets and Pokemon attacks than swinging logs."

He stood next to his Gardevoir and his sisters Greninja as he stretched his arms. Ruby gulped at this and fastened her blindfold even more to make sure it doesn't fall off. With a deep breath she activated her Aura Vision, the blackness of her physical eyes being replaced with the mental image send to her from the nearby Aura signatures. 

While she would have previously only been able to sense others in her near vicinity, the sessions she spends meditating to increase the range allowed her to now see most of the EPS from where she stands. Including the ring of different Aura surrounding her.

Ruby: "I'm ready."

As soon as the words left her lips did she feel something incoming from behind her, making her duck as a shot of water from Intelleon flew over her. She didn't get a breather as she had to move away from a Dust bullet that was going for her side. What followed that was what could only have been an Aura Sphere from Saph as she saw something glowing like a miniature sun flying right towards her. 

It flew right passed her face as she did a limbo like move to dodge it, the amount of aura right in her face blinding her senses for a moment. With that second of distraction she wasn't able to sense the incoming Water Shuriken and was hit in the side by it, knocking her to the ground. They stopped their attacks as Yang and Saph went over to check on her.

Yang: "Are you okay?"

Ruby: "Yeah, just got caught off guard."

Saph: "We can slow it down a bit if you want to."

Ruby: "Yeah, I would like that."

They helped Ruby back onto her feet and went back to their positions. Ruby took a deep breath and readied herself for round two, really wishing she could just practice with either Crescent Rose or Sylveon and Roselia instead. 

Ruby: "Ready when you are."

This time the first attack didn't come right away. She had a good second to be ready for it before the first bullet was shot. She sidestepped out of the way, letting it fly passed her as she got ready for the next attack. It wasn't long until she had to duck down from a few Ice Shards curtesy of Snowrunt. 

Ruby: "This is much nicer already." 

Ruby had to dodge a blob of acid for that, letting out a small yelp.

Saph gave the others a silent order to speed up slightly with the attacks. That became noticeable for Ruby as when she sidestepped a few Poison Stings she had to move out of the way of a Shadow Ball thrown by Gardevoir. Said Pokemon narrows her eyes and charged a Moonblast ready for fire. Ruby had to duck under a couple of boulders from Rock Tomb, which was when Gardevoir shot her attack. Ruby saw it coming and leaned away from it, when it just seemed to disappear. 

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