VPoké Chapter 1: Aftermath

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It was the early morning after the Day of the breach. The bird are singing and the flowers were blooming. Several individuals were also peacefully sleeping in their beds without a care in the world.

One of those individuals was one Sapphire Aurora, or Saph for short. He had a great time inside the world of dreams. Sadly, he had to wake up according to his internal clock. With a yawn and a groan he got up and stretched himself.

Opening his eyes he saw everyone else awake, not in their uniforms or PJs or but in their Huntress atire.

Ruby was doing some slight adjustments to her beloved weapon Crescent Rose, Yang was giving Zwei some headpets, Weiss was sorting through her Dust storage and Blake was reading her book. A very normal sight for the trainer.

He gave them a Good Morning and went into the bathroom with some clothes. The Pokemon Trainer got out of his PJs and was about to step into the shower when he stopped and looked into his reflection in the mirror.

His very own face was staring right back at Saph but unlike the clean face he is used to, there actually is sign of a beard finally growing.

Saph: "Do I seriously have to start shaving soon?"

The soon to be bearded head rested on a somewhat fit upper body with scar filled arms from all of his Training with his Pokemon.

Saph: "There really are a lot of moves that can cut stuff. Enough of that. Time to shower."

Saph took a nice refreshing shower and put on his usual attire before stepping out. Once he did, Yang stood up abruptly.

Yang: "Finally! Now we can go have breakfast!"

Saph: "Were you seriously waiting for me to eat?"

Ruby: "Why not? We are a team. And as a team, I say that we should have breakfast together!"

They all placed their stuff away and went to go to tje cafeteria. Along the way, they were confronted by Lara.

Lara: "Morning Bro! Girls!

Saph: "Morning Sis!"

RWBY: "Good Morning!"

Lara: "How did you sleep?"

Yang: "Lycanrok."

The RWB or the team groaned at the pun whiöe the twins facepalmed.

Yang: "Get it?"

Saph: "Yes, because that was a joke our dad could come up with."

Lara: "Why did Lycanrok's name have to sound similar to 'Like a rock?'"

Weiss: "Nevermind that. What are you going to do today?"

Lara: "I have had in mind that we, Sun, Neptune and JNPR would go to the EPS to teach you more about Pokemon."

Blake: "That sounds very nice."

Yang: "Yes, but do you know what sounds better? BRAAaaaakfaaaassst?"

When Yang opened the door to the cafeteria, everything inside it stopped  as every. Singly. Student. Looked at their direction. Team RWBYS and Lara looked kinda confused with Ruby even looking behind her to see if they all looked there.

Saph leaned over to his sister. "Does this look normal to you?"

Lara: "Nope. And I have a bad feeling where this is going."

One of the students then suddenly got up and oointed at them.

Student: "It's them!"

Instantly, many of the students stood up to run over to them. The Girls' and Saph's eyes widen at that and do the only logical thing: Running.

RWBY X Pokėmon. OC Insert. (On Break)Where stories live. Discover now