V2 Chapter 7: vs Yveltal

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Saph felt a great sense of dread as he looked at the flying Y up in the sky. Of course of ALL the Pokemon with a "Legendary" status, it would be one of the more dangerous and agressive ones. Though he can consider himself lucky enough that it wasn't one of the Hoenn Ancients.

Yang: "What is that? A flying Y?"

Weiss: "I don't know. There aren't any Grimm that resemble what we are seeing."

Oobleck: "Then the only logical explination is that this creature is a Pokemon!"

They all then looked at a terrified Saph for an answer.

Yang: "Well, which one is it?"

Saph tried to take a calming breath, which failed, and then spoke one word.

Saph: "Yveltal."

Ruby: "Ive- what?"

On cue, Rotom appeared and loqded the needed information the the Pokemon.

On cue, Rotom appeared and loqded the needed information the the Pokemon

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'Yveltal, the Destruction Pokemon, a Legendary Dark and Flying type.When this legendary Pokémon's wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of living creatures. When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon once more. Exercise extreme caution!'

The eyes of all of them widened at the displayed information. Even Oobleck had his glasses crooked, though they still cover his eyes. Although the information as a whole left them with many questions, one piece of info in particular was most eyecatching, ignoring the whole lifeforce stealing and such.

Blake: "Legendary, like those powerful Pokemon you told us about earlier?"

Saph: "Yes, just like those."

Ooblweck: "The amount of destruction it caused, say, did this Yveltal do something similar in your world?"

Saph: "Whitnisses said that Yveltal did something similar to this, but it was usually stopped by the other two Pokemon of it's trio before the destruction could escalate."

Ruby: "Trio? What kind of trio?"

Saph: "Each Region has at least one trio of Legendary Pokemon that are usually in balance with each other. Hoenn for example has the Legendary weather trio in form of Groudon, Kyogre and Rayauaza."

Weiss: "But because only Yveltal is here, there is an imbalance and it's free to cause destruction wherever it goes."

Ruby: "What are the other two Pokemon in the trio?"

Saph motioned Rotom to tell them, which it does by pulling up more information of the two Pokemon.

Saph motioned Rotom to tell them, which it does by pulling up more information of the two Pokemon

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