VPoké Chapter 5: Catching will be learned (SN, CV)

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Just like the other four duo groups, the teams of SN and CV are scouting out the area for Pokemon.

With SN:

The Haven duo and Aipom wandered around the forest looking at pretty much everything. Or at least the blue haired one of the two was doing so. Sun and Aipom were taking the route above ground through the trees.

Sun: "Whoo! Now this is what I call fun!"

Sun has swung from a vine onto a thick branch doing a front flip. Aipom was close behind him, doing a backflip instead. Neptune wasn't as pleased with their antics.

Neptune: "Guys, will you please concentrate for a second and get down?!"

Sun: "Oh come one Neptune! Don't be such a party pooper and try to have some fun!"

Neptune: "I would do that. But as you know, I am the one without any Pokemon and you still have to get a second one! So get down here and help looking!"

Sun: "I am! I am looking with a birds eye view! So how about you just stay cool and keep a look out below!"

Neptune just stayed silent and let out a sigh as Sun swung to yet another branch, laughing all the while. His Aipom followed suit, doing many tricks and flips as he does.

What they didn't know was that a possible new catch was nearby. In one of the trees, a pair of almost identical Pokemon are watching them have their little interaction. They look at each other and silently agree to a plan.

The red one of the two Pokemon was going higher to the trees where the vines were, while the blue one went to the ground.

Back up on the trees, Sun has just flipped onto another thick branch stretching his arms after all the swinging. His partner Aipom soon lands on his right shoulder, doing the same thing.

Sun: "Did you see anything interesting during our swing?"

"Aipom." He shook his head.

Sun: "Ah don't you worry about that one buddy. We'll find another friend for you in no time."

Sun crouched down and put his hand just over his eyes as he looked around. Aipom mimicked him.

Sun: "Now where could it possibly be?"

He got his answer in form of something landing on his head and using it as a platform to jump off of. He let out a grunt and looked around for his attacker, finding it hanging on a nearby vine and snickering at him.

Sun: "What the hell!?"

He took out his scroll and scanned it.

'Pansear, the High Temp Pokemon, a Fire type

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'Pansear, the High Temp Pokemon, a Fire type. This Pokémon lives in caves in volcanoes. The fire within the tuft on its head can reach 600 degrees Fahrenheit. Very intelligent, it roasts berries before eating them. It likes to help people.'

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