OC Normal/Cover Info

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Name: Simon/Saphire (Saph) Aurora

Age: 17 (recently Turned)

Occupation: "Pokemon Trainer/ Orphan Survivalist

Abillity/Semblance: Strong Aura/ Aura Manipulation

(He is Able to Manipulate his Own Aura to form Ranged- and Physical Attacks. He has Also the Abillity to Detect the Aura of Other things as a Replacement to Seeing.)

Belongings: Several Poke-balls, Portable Trading Station, Portable Storage Box, Many Berries, Several Healing/Evolution/Battle Items, Cooking Suplies, Many Ingrediants, Saphire Armband with Keystone, Basic Sword.

Pokemon Team: Lucario (Male[Mega Stone]), Gardevoir (Female*Shiny*[Megastone])
Decidueye (Male), Intelleon (Male), Censtscorch (Female), Tyrantrum (Male).

Here is also clarification on the different ways the text will be written.

Normal - basic naration.
Name: "Text." - Character talking.
"Text" - Pokemon Talking
Text - OC thinking
Text - Change of scene or time skip.
(Text) - Authors Note.
Name: "[Text]" - In a Phonecall.

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