VPoké Chapter 2: First lessons

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Inside the school of Beacon was currently a strange sight to behold. What was that sight? Several students rushing excitedly towards the classroom that is owned by Peter Port. The teacher that, despite his experience, was arguably the most boring teacher there was.

So how come that so many students are excited to go to his classroom? That's because today he isn't the one doing the teaching. Today was the first day that the usual subjects are replaced with Pokemon subjects, in this case being Pokemon Basics.

No one was more excited for this than a certain pair of leaders though.

Jaune: "Man, I can't wait for this new class to start!"

Ruby: "Right?! Who is going to do the main teaching? Is it going to be Saph? Or Lara? Maybe even both!"

Next to them, both of their teams watch with varying expressions.

Weiss: "It is kind of weird for Ruby to be excited for a class that isn't weapon related."

Yang: "She has grown a similar love for Pokemon as she does for weapons, so she is bound to be excited for all three Pokemon classes."

The two teams continued their way to their Grimm Studies classroom, wondering how it was going to be. When they entered, they saw that the female twin has set up various blackboards behind her. What they also saw were the other beacon teachers as well as both of the headmasters observing everything in the very back of the class. They sat down on their usual spots and waited for class to start. And it soon did.

Lara: "Hello everyone. Today is going to be the first day for... a lot of things. It will be the first day for a lot of you to see the Pokemon in a different light. The first day that me and my brother will be teaching. And the first day for your three new subjects, starting with Pokemon Basics. Does anyone have any questions about the subject right now?"

Unsurprisingly, almost every hand in the room shot up. Lara had a sweat drop at seeing this.

Lara: "Uh... how about we start with... Miss Schnee."

She remembers how Ozpin has told both of the twins that they should refer to their friends in the same way the other teachers do. Similarly, both of then would be called as "Professor Aurora" no matter how confusing this will become.

Weiss stood up and stated her question.

Weiss: "What are the 'Basics' that we will learn in this subject?"

Lara: "That's easy. Since pretty much none of you know the know-hows of Pokemon, we will be covering all of the basics from their types to certain effects of Pokemon moves as well as evolution and smaller things like berries."

Weiss sat back down, satisfied by the answer. Lara asked for any other questions and noticed how a lot fewer hands are in the air. This time, she chose one of the Professors.

Lara: "Professor Port."

Port: "I just happen to notice that your brother is nowhere to be found. Is there a reason for this?"

Lara: "There is a reason, yes. My brother is currently planing the next two subjects and has asked me to do this first one on my own."

Professor Port nodded and sat back down.

Lara: "Now I don't want to waste anymore time so let's start with the most basic of the basics. The Pokemon types."

She moved towards one of the blackboards, one that has a symbol of water, fire and a leaf arranged in a triangle.

Lara: "Types are elemental properties that every Pokemon can belong to. Some to just one, some to two of them. Depending on what types a Pokemon has, it will have certain weaknesses and strengths."

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