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"Hi", the kind girl said, walking towards me.

She was one of the few people I knew with a distinct way of walking.
She walked like a princess, placing each leg after the other ever so gently. Her legs hit the ground carefully, like a light feather would touch a flat surface, almost as if applying the slightest amount of pressure would break it.

We had just rounded up our catering session for the day and most of the students were leaving already.
Surprisingly, Carson didn't start up anything else, didn't play pranks or mock anyone. Instead, he simply sat in his seat and kept mute till the end of the class.

So, the class was fairly enjoyable.
We were taught simple recipes and the benefits of each of the ingredients used in these meals. We did not start practicals because like Miss Glitter said, most of us have not bought the necessary materials to try out the process on our own.

After the session, I decided to wait outside for a while. Only because I wanted to talk to at least one person about a part of the recipes we were given, a part I didn't write correctly.

However, as each person passed by me and left the premises. I became more and more reluctant.
What if the person laughs at me?
What if I get snubbed?
Even though I had managed to tell Carson off, I still felt socially anxious.
After watching almost half of the class leave, I decided to go home.
I can't stand here forever.

So, I turned to leave.
Just as I was about to leave, I heard that high-pitched voice. I don't know what I was expecting her voice to sound like but I sure wasn't expecting that.

Though, I had heard her speak around me since I joined the school. It was never at close range, so I never really heard her voice properly.
Her voice was not just high-pitched, it was also soft and gentle.

"Are you waiting for someone?", she asked.
"Yes. No. Not really", I said, unsure of how to answer the question.

I really was waiting for someone but since I wasn't sure of who I was going to talk to and I had decided to not talk to anyone out of anxiety, then, I guess my real answer should be "no".

She chuckled, her uniquely fair skin glistening in the sun, as she clutched her bag with one hand and placed a piece of her hair behind her ear carefully.
She had long, almost blonde hair, like a bi-racial, commonly known as half-caste.

"Don't mind me. I wanted to ask someone about the last part of the recipe for making strawberry tart", I said.
"Oh..who?", she said.
"I don't know. Just anyone", I said.
"So...why didn't you ask all the people who passed beside you?", she said with a knowing smile.

Apparently, she had watched me contemplate talking to each person after which I watched them pass me by.
She didn't say so but I could tell from the way she didn't even wait for me to answer the question, from the way she smiled.

"I saw you from the classroom", she declared in a whisper, moving close to me and speaking in a very low voice.

I knew it! She probably came outside only because of me, because she was one of those students whose parents usually pick up in their car.

I facepalmed.
"It just feels like I'm struggling to fit in. How embarrassing", I groaned.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I know how you feel", she said.
A girl walked out of the classroom and waved her goodbye, before disappearing into the next street.

She smiled warmly at the girl and also waved.
That was the third person who greeted her since she came outside to talk to me.
I raised one of my eyebrows, after the girl left.
"Oh...that girl? I know her from my school. That's all", she said, chuckling.

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