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Apparently, Coach Darasimi had posted the list of students who would be representing the school in the inter-schools competition on the notice board. And in the second row, right after Ifeoma's name was my name.
I gasped.

"We've both been chosen, girl", Ify exclaimed, tapping my shoulders energetically, with a huge grin on her face.

"Let's make our school proud, together", she added, clasping my hands in hers, before walking off.

I was speechless. At that moment, so many thoughts had gone through my mind. First, I felt surprised, then happy, then, realization hit me, then anxiety.
My mind went through all these emotions within a split second.

The initial enthusiasm towards getting the priceless opportunity of representing my school was being quickly replaced by anxiety.

Do you think you would be able to represent your school? You've only just joined the team, why else would you be chosen as one of the representatives if not that the Coach holds you in high esteem?
Higher than you really are.

And that's not even the issue. The issue is how awfully bad your performance would be. How disgraceful and embarrassing it'll be for you and the school.

Tell Coach that you'd like to pass off this offer as soon as possible. That's the only way to solve this.

I shook my head vigorously in a bid to get that horribly disdainful voice out of my head.

"Hey, are you alright?", Jordan spoke for the first time since we stood in front of the notice board.
"Yes, I'm fine", I said, trying hard to get myself together.

"Are you sure?", he said, peering at me through his brown eyes.
"Yes", I nodded.
"Uhm...I have to go now", I said.
"Congratulations on being part of the few chosen ones, although you don't look as cheerful as I expected you to be", he said.
I sighed.

"I guess happiness isn't always expressed the same way", I said.

"Hmm", he mumbled.
"Why do I feel like you're speaking in parables because you neither want to say the truth nor lie", he said.

"Maybe you're right, maybe not", I said blankly.

I proceeded to leave but then, he was right in front of me, preventing me from leaving.
I facepalmed.

"Wait...before you say anything. I'm sorry for bugging you", he said.
"Okay. Fine. No problem. You're forgiven. Can I leave now?", I said.

"Okay. Let me walk you to the gate then. By the way, where's Ade?", he said.
"He left the class a few minutes before closing"
"Wait a second...where is he? He should be back by now", I said, suddenly realizing that he had left for quite a while and was probably waiting for me. I hastened my steps as I hurried towards our classroom to check for him.

"Don't fret. I'm sure he's fine. He's probably waiting for you", Jordan said.
"Which is why I have to hurry, he might have been looking for me too", I said.

A part of me knew that I was being overly dramatic and that he was definitely fine. I mean, it hasn't been up to thirty minutes since he left our classroom. However, the other part just wanted to be alone.

So, I felt that if I hastened my steps, Jordan would get the cue and let me be, so I could get some me-time to sort my thoughts out.

However, my plan didn't work.
As I tried to walk even faster, he mirrored me and made sure that he was right beside me.

So, I stopped suddenly and he stopped walking too.
"Jordan. I'm sorry to say this but I want to be alone right now", I said, mustering up the courage to tell him.
His face fell.

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