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It was Ade.
He smiled when he saw me but then, his smile quickly disappeared as soon as he saw Jordan.

I should have checked the time and told Jordan to leave before Ade came back.

Earlier, during our conversation, Jordan had asked why Ade doesn't like him and I couldn't say a word.

All I could say after a while was that they would get along soon. I guess I was right by saying that especially since I now know what really happened between Jordan and Bisi.

Ade simply looked at me, a deadpan expression on his face before walking towards his seat and picking up his school bag. He spared Jordan a glance, then walked back to the door.

"Let's go", he said.
I turned to Jordan and as I was about to bid him goodbye, Ade left the classroom.
I sighed, picked up my bag and waved Jordan goodbye. He went upstairs while I walked towards the gate.

"See you next week. Take care of yourself Oyinade and thanks for today", he blurted out from upstairs, meanwhile I had gotten to the school's main gate.

I saw Danielle too and she just stood next to him, probably wondering what Jordan meant.
I waved at him and he waved back.
Ade was right outside the gate, waiting. He was on his phone, scrolling through reels on Instagram when I got to his side.

"Ready?", he asked.
"Yes", I said, nodding.
I glanced at my wristwatch and the time was almost 5:30pm.

"Let me call an Uber. We're quite late", he said, immediately booking us a trip on Bolt.
"Okay", I said.
I waited for him to be done, before breaking the silence.
"So..how was the trip? Was it exciting?", I asked.
"It was interesting. I wish you were there. We saw different beautiful sights. It was just the best. I'll tell you all about it, don't worry", he said.

The smile had returned to his face. His eyes lit up as he continued to explain how interesting the movie he saw was and how they bought lots of amazing stuff. He just kept going and on and on.

As I watched him explain how his day went, a smile crept onto my face, his smile was so contagious that I found myself smiling too.

I wonder if he was angry but didn't want to show it. I prefer it when he complained. I hate his silence, I hate it when he acts oblivious, it never ends well.

"Ade", I said, interrupting him.
"Yes", he said.
"You just saw Jordan with me and didn't say anything", I said.

He sighed.
"I warned you to be careful around him but you chose to be his friend, so what else can I do?", he said.
I looked down, avoiding his gaze.
"I just don't want us to keep arguing about the same thing every time. So, henceforth, I'll let you be. I won't complain whenever I see you with him and I'll support your friendship", he said.

I smiled, raising my head up to look at him. He wore a gentle smile on his face too. Okay, this wasn't bad at all.
"So, you trust him?", I asked.
"No, I don't. SP or not, I still don't trust Jordan and if he tries anything, I won't spare him", he retorted.

"I know you won't, my knight", I said, chuckling. He chuckled too.

I wanted to tell him that Jordan had narrated everything that happened to me but I didn't want to ruin his mood. He had just experienced an exciting day and was eager to tell me all about it, so I decided to listen and enjoy all his gists. Later, I'll tell him about what Jordan.

Thank God, tomorrow being Saturday, I'll have enough time to gist him about what happened.

Not so long after, the bolt rider arrived and we both walked towards it and got in, after which the driver drove off.

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