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As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw an Ankara peplum top with a navy blue Jean trouser on my bed. There was also a black sandal at the right side of my bed.

I grinned.
Of course, it was Ewatomi's doing.
I mean, Who else could it be if not her?

As soon as I was done wearing my clothes, I sprayed my favourite vanilla scented body spray and wore my sandals. I decided to add some accessories, so I picked out my gold layered necklace that I used to wear every other day and wore it.
It had a butterfly encrusted on the bottom layer and it matched the butterfly pattern on my customized tote bag.

Actually, I almost never took that particular necklace off. I only took it off because I don't wear necklaces to bed and I couldn't take my bath with it. Also, we weren't allowed to wear necklaces in school especially during school hours, so I never wore it to school either.

Apart from these conditions, I wore it every other day. I had loved it since the first day I set my eyes on it several months ago, on my birthday. I had gotten it as a birthday gift from Ade and I just couldn't contain how much I loved it. I wore it almost every single day since that day.

I also wore my usual simple gold stud earrings and my wristwatch.
I went to my reading table and picked up my jotter and pen. I also took my tote bag from my wardrobe and placed the jotter and pen inside it.

I took my pink water bottle from my table and stepped out of my room, holding my tote bag. As I stepped into the living room, I glanced at the wall clock.

The class was supposed to start at 9:00am, so I was still quite early.
I dropped my tote bag on the sofa and noticed how spotlessly clean the living room was. I stepped into the kitchen and Ewatomi was right there, washing some pots while humming the notes to a song that I couldn't remember.

It looked like she was almost done as she was washing the last set of pots.
She had swept the living room too and probably the other rooms because the whole house was spotless.
"Let me help you", I offered.

She turned to look at me before turning back to face the kitchen zinc.
"Don't worry", she said, rinsing the last pot.
She then wiped her hand and turned to face me once again, this time she flashed me a grin.
"You look so cute", she said.
"Thanks to you", I said in a sing-song voice, twirling around.

She chuckled, turning briefly to arrange the rest of the pots.
"Do you know where mummy is?", I asked.
"Yes, she went to give mummy Chidi something", she said.

Mummy Chidi was our other neighbor, a less-privileged widow with four kids. So, my mum often went to her house to give her food or clothings, anything she felt led to give her.
"Oh", I muttered.
"What of daddy?", I asked while rinsing my bottle and filling it with water.

"He went for a walk. He went with Ayobami", she said, drying her hands and heading toward the living room.
"Walk?", I asked, walking right behind her.

"Yeah. That's what he said", she said, glancing at me with a smile by looking behind her.
"Wow...that's unusual", I said, placing the bottle in my bag.

"Exactly but I guess he has his reasons", she said with a small smile.
"I hope it's not because of some random WhatsApp message telling him to walk twenty thousand steps per day", I said, chuckling.

"Yeah...that's true o", she said bursting into laughter.

We weren't unaware of the misleading messages he sometimes got on WhatsApp and the fact that he's so trusting made him believe the instructions and sometimes execute them.
I guess I inherited that gene from him because I also trusted people easily.

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