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Days rolled by and it was soon Friday. Although the nurse had told me to rest so as not to break down once again as a result of stress, I still found myself actively going to the gym and using up every free time I had to practice. I just didn't want to be caught slacking off.

Phew! What a week!

The preparations for the end of the term examinations were still in progress. Thus, the school was hustling and bustling with different activities. Also, almost all the teachers were done with the syllabus for their individual subjects. So, they barely came to teach us. Those that came only came for revisions.

"So, that will be all for today. Hope you all understand?", the mathematics teacher said.
"Yes sir", we chorused.

"Good! Open to page 150 of your textbooks. Exercise 24. Solve the first 50 questions", he said.

"Ahhhhhh", everyone groaned. Everyone except Daniel, Mary and the other smart students. Some smart students also groaned, students like Ade. Students who are smart but lazy.

"Sir! I don't have a textbook", Tola, the class clown said.
"That's not my problem. Borrow!", the teacher said.

His statement was accompanied by loud echoes of laughter, followed by "ahs" and "ohs" and "burn!" from my classmates.

Some even said "fipa", a Nigerian slang that means someone has been snubbed.

"Your assignment is to be submitted on or before 7:15am tomorrow morning!",his clear, deep voice thundered.
More groans and murmurings filled the classroom.

"Excuse me sir!", Tola said, raising his hand up.
"Yes..", the teacher said.
"What if I come late, like around 8:00am", Tola said, after standing up to ask his question.

"The assignment might be used as your 1st CA, so just do whatever you like. You'll see your result", he said, casting a disdainful look at Tola.

As fun and interesting as this season of school usually was, especially in terms of the numerous free periods and extracurricular activities, this was one of its downsides. The loads of assignments we always got from the teachers.

The mathematics teacher was the third teacher that was teaching us today and we had received three assignments including mathematics, three voluminous assignments.

Revision week is simply the worst!

As if that was not enough, Mr. Bada had decided to talk to me and I could already tell what he wanted to talk about even without seeing him. My grades.

As for the upsides of the upcoming exams, one of them was that I'd finally be able to rest from waking up at odd hours everyday of the week and spending ridiculously long hours in school. I'd be free from impromptu tests and exams, I'd be free from long hours of lectures. Even if the holiday won't be for long, I'd enjoy it a lot because it's definitely going to be a much needed break.

"Have a nice day and good luck with the assignments", the mathematics teacher said.
"Yes sir", the class chorused.
Right after that, the bell was rung by the time keeper, none other than Daniel.

The school's executives had a tradition of picking the time keeper from SSS 1. However, other prefects were usually chosen from SSS 2. So, usually, they would be appointed when the SSS 3 students start writing their external exams.

According to the academic calendar, the present SSS 3 students were going to start their external exams right after this term, which is the second term.
Instead of being in their classroom for third term, they would be in the large hall and write exams every other day according to the time table given from the WAEC and NECO office.
So, since the new batch of prefects had not been chosen, yet. Daniel was still the timekeeper despite being in SSS 2 with us.

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