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"You and all these boys", Bisi said, she had a naturally loud voice yet she raised her voice even more, so it was possible that everyone in the class could hear her.
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"Didn't you just say it was Jordan that gave you this big box of chocolates?", she continued.

"Yes, I did. So?", I had entered the class, sat down and after a few lectures, Bisi had noticed the box of chocolates. She asked where I got it from, I told her and now, she was making a fuss out of something that wasn't that serious.
"Isn't it obvious?", she said.
"Isn't what obvious?", I fired back.
"SP likes you!", she declared.

I scrunched my face in disbelief.
Because of Bisi's loud voice, a few people had already heard the conversation.
"SP likes Oyinade!"
"Ehn? Who said that?"
"Is it true?"
"How do you know?"
It went round the class like wildfire.

"Oh my God! Bisi! What have you done?", I lamented. She chuckled. She clearly said it on purpose.
I stood up and hit my desk twice.
"Listen up guys, please don't spread false rumours about something you know nothing about.", I said, loud enough for everyone to hear.
"That SP is your boyfriend right?", Tola said, with an annoyingly mischievous grin. The class roared with cheers and laughter.

I almost laughed at how ridiculously dumb Tola's assumption was but I knew that if I laughed, they'd have seen it as a joke. Ade's face was a mixture of anger and disappointment. I looked at Bisi and she had a mischievous, wicked smile on her face.

I hit my desk again, once.
"Guys, this is not a joke. I won't have you, any of you, spreading rumours about me that are not true. Please respect yourselves", I said, before sitting down.

"Oyinade haba, It was just a joke. We all know SP can't like someone like you nah. With your low grades? You can't be his type", Cassandra said, cackling uncontrollably.

"Is it now someone like you he'll like, with your scattered teeth and crossed eyes?", Tola spoke up again. The class roared with laughter.
She stopped laughing immediately.

We all knew Tola to always stand up for people that were being bullied, especially by calling out body features that weren't really there. For instance, Cassandra neither had crossed eyes nor scattered teeth. However, statements like that made these bullies insecure about something that isn't even real.

I felt bad that Cassandra had to say that. It was the truth though, I was the second least in terms of class position, so how would I ever be loved by someone like SP or any smart student for that matter. I glanced around and Ade was now talking to Mary.

Mary had always been the best student in class, since I joined the school. She was an epitome of beauty and intelligence. She was also always quiet. Or maybe that was what I thought. She was happily chatting with Ade, laughing even. They looked like the perfect match. I wondered why Ade still chose to be my friend, he had so many options yet he decided to be my friend.

The teacher for the final period for the day, walked in. Right after her class, I'd have to go to the field.
She came to teach us Marketing. Although the topic was relatable, I couldn't wait to leave the class. I was absentminded throughout.
The bell rang signifying the end of the class.
I sighed in relief. Finally!

As soon as she stepped out of the class, I took out my P.E wear and headed to the females' dressing room.
I changed into my P.E and walked off to the field.
"Yo!", I knew it was Ade. He was trying to get me to wait without calling my name.
"Wait up!", he yelled.
I hastened my steps and giggled. I heard the sound of his steps as he ran until he got to my side.

"I...told you...to...wait", he said, amidst panting.
"Oh! Did you?", I said, smirking.
"You heard? So, you heard? Welldone! I'll pay you back, don't worry", he said. He seemed bent on getting revenge.
"I don't understand what you're saying o", I said, still pretending to be oblivious that he called me.

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