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I looked up and saw the gigantic sign that reads; THE UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS. Finally, we were at Unilag.

We walked in through the main gate and towards the sports center. In a few minutes, we were there. Ade brought out his phone from his pocket to call Ewatomi and inform her that we were on campus.
She was excited and promised to join us shortly at the sports center.

I looked at my wrist watch and the time was 5:04pm. There was still enough time for me to run round the field twice.

Ade left me to meet Ewatomi halfway. She was a resident of Queen Amina hall of residence, so it wasn't really far from the main gate and the Sports center. I placed my tote bag on one of the chairs in the shed created for people to sit and watch the athletes.

Then, I went to the field. I jogged for a while before I noticed Ade's frame. He was with Ewatomi. Of course, she looked beautiful. She had a naturally fair skin that made her look stunning even without trying.

She had an aura such that anyone who glances at her, would have to fight the urge to glance at her once again. Her name really suited her as it means "Beauty is enough for me".
It was indeed enough for her as she got access to a lot of places just because she was beautiful.

Sometimes I wonder if she chose all the best genes before coming to earth, leaving me with the remaining odd ones. I'm pretty sure that's not how science works but that was the only way I could make sense of how opposite we were in a lot of ways. She was smart and intelligent, I wasn't. She was quite fair, I wasn't. She had long, full hair, I didn't.

Instead, I had short, curly hair. Those are just a few of the numerous attributes that she had that made us quite different.

She was wearing a knee length blue denim Jean trouser and a white top. She was with a boy that looked like her age mate. He was just a little bit taller than Ewatomi, probably 5 feet 9 inches tall. Ade, who was 5 feet 11 inches tall, walked beside them. Apart from the height difference, It was really hard to tell that Ade was still in secondary school. He looked bigger than his age and was chatting with my sister and her supposed friend.

Ewatomi and I were of the same height. It was one of the few things we had in common. We were both 5 feet 8 inches tall. Apart from our height, our other physical features weren't exactly similar. For example, Ewatomi was what some Nigerians call "thick". She had thick thighs and arms. She was healthy but thick. She had a kind of body that radiated good health. She had an hourglass body type. The body type some Nigerians call "figure 8".

I, on the other hand, was "slim thick". Slim thick is a term used in Nigeria to describe females with a pear body type. I had a slender upper body and a thick lower body.

Also, she had dimples and a gap between her two front teeth, medically known as diastema. None of which I had.
Our personality however, was a little bit similar. We both loved similar colors, clothings and events. However, she was an extrovert and I was an ambivert.
Overall, I loved her so much and I was certain that she loved me too.

I walked towards them and pulled my sister into a warm embrace.
She laughed softly, rubbing my back in gentle circles.
I pulled out of the hug to look at her and grinned. She looked well.

"I missed you too", she said. She assumed my hug to mean; I missed her and in all sincerity, I really did.
"Here. I made it this afternoon", I said, handing the small flask of food to her.

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