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"So, big daddy has gone back to Abuja?", I quizzed.
"No, he went to Ecuador for business", Ade said.

There was an almost unnoticeable note of spite in his voice. His eyebrows were also furrowed and a scowl formed on his face. However, they were only there for a short while. Probably for just a millisecond.

"Oh!", I said before we both settled into silence.
All I could hear was the gentle humming of the refrigerator and birds chirping outside. The atmosphere was serene.

As he settled into the moment, he picked up a book, Ayobami's handwriting textbook. Then, he opened the pages idly.

I felt the urge to tell him about Jordan and Bisi, to tell him all that Jordan had told me.

So, I did.

I explained everything to Ade, everything that happened between Jordan and Bisi, everything Jordan told me, every single thing.

And now that I was done explaining, he was mute, he seemed stupefied when I started talking. He also seemed quite furious, especially when I got to the part where Bisi said a lot of negative things about me. However, he suddenly became expressionless when I concluded my short story.

"You believe him?", he finally blurted out.
"What do you mean?", I said.

"Do you believe him? You know anyone can lie", he said with a deadpan tone.
"Wow", I muttered, taken aback by his response. It was the least reaction I expected.

I mean, as much as Ade neither liked nor trusted Jordan, the least he could have still done was show empathy but he just straight up dismissed everything as a lie?

"What?", he said, not catching what I had just said.
"I guess he wasn't wrong when he said he was scared to tell anyone because no one would believe him", I said, shaking my head in disappointment.

"Wait...I only asked a question", he said, either trying to pacify me or redeem his inexcusably awful reaction.

"You also stated that anyone can lie", I said.
"—which is the truth", he filled in, coldly.

"Look, Ade. I know that you don't like Jordan for reasons best known to you but at least give him the benefit of the doubt. That's the least you can do for a human being like you", I spat.

He sighed.
"Okay. I agree. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for overreacting, for making it seem like you can't take care of yourself, for being so distrustful, I'm sorry, for everything", he said with doleful eyes.

"Ade—", I called.
"I'm deeply sorry. I didn't mean to be a bad friend. I should be able to accept your other friends. I shouldn't have—", he continued.

"I didn't say that, I didn't say any of that", I said, interrupting him.
"But it's the truth. Isn't it?", he said.

I looked away. A part of me agreed with part of what he said. A part of me felt tired of being the girl whose best friend was always trying to fight for, whose best friend was always hovering around but I knew that it all came from a place of love. He loved me like his little sister and I couldn't take that for granted.

"Ade, it's fine. It's all good. Just please treat Jordan better", I said.

"Okay ma'am. I will", he said with a mock salute.

"I know I don't have to remind you to stay away from Bisi right?", he said.
"I've got it handled. Don't worry", I said, chuckling.

"I've never trusted her. I guess my guts are never wrong", he muttered.

"Ade!", I exclaimed.

"Okay. It might be wrong for Jordan. It might be wrong for him", he said, raising his hands up in mock surrender.

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