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"Uhm...for everything?", I said without thinking.
"Everything? But you didn't do anything", Jordan said. His eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Yeah...you know what? I also think we should say Hi to Ewatomi before leaving", I said.

Fortunately, Jordan isn't an inquisitive person, so he let the weird statement I made go.
However, he stared at me warily for a while before he looked away.

"I think you should call her. She might be at her tutorial class though", I said, directing my gaze to Ade.
"Okay. Let me call to confirm", Ade said.
He immediately brought out his phone from his pocket and dialed Ewatomi's number.
"What if she's at the tutorial class, what will we do then? Go home?", Jordan said.

"Well, I still want to practice some more but then, we can take a stroll instead and I'll practice right after that", I said.
Ewatomi picked the call and they spoke briefly.
As soon as the call ended, Jordan and I turned towards Ade.
"She's at the tutorial center", Ade declared.
"So, I was telling Jordan that I still want to practice but we can take a stroll for a while and then, I will practice more after that. What do you think?", I said.

"That's perfect. I've always wanted to go round this school", Ade said with a grin.
"Okay! So, where should we start from?", Ade said.
"Let's first go to DLI", I said.
"What's DLI?", Jordan asked with a confused expression.

"You'll know when we get there", Ade said, chuckling.
I chuckled too.
With the two of them, you could never tell if they were in support of each other or against each other.
"Oya nah", Jordan said.

So, we started our journey.
I didn't know that Jordan was such a fan of marvel movies, just like Ade. He had seen every single one of them and they both couldn't stop talking about it.
"Iron man shouldn't have died like that sha", Ade lamented.

"Exactly!", Jordan exclaimed.
I shook my head. They were bonding so quickly, so easily, it was almost unnerving.

We were now at DLI, so we took turns taking pictures, goofing around and just laughing at each other. We sat under a tree and talked about different things, just anything that came to mind.
We walked to some of the halls of residence, also known as the hostels.

Jordan appointed himself as the judge of the buildings as he kept assessing each building, stating which one he loved and the ones he didn't like.
Then, we decided to go to the University Library.
Since, the faculty of law was right next to the Library, there's a high chance that we'd meet Ewatomi there.

We decided to stay in front of the building next to the library. We sat outside on the staircase.
"Oyinade", Jordan called.

"Yes?", I said, turning to face him.
"Have you thought about what I said?"
"What's that?"
"Don't tell me you've forgotten"
"We've talked about a lot of things, so which one exactly are you talking about?"
Ade glanced at our faces, clearly lost.

"Why not just tell her what you're talking about? There's no point in beating around the bush", Ade said with a scowl.
"Okay. Fine", Jordan said.
"It's about your grades", he said.
"What about it?", Ade said, sparing me a glance before fixing his gaze on Jordan as if that would extract every detail he needs from him.

Jordan, on the other hand, was reluctant to talk. He probably didn't say it clearly initially because he knew that I wouldn't want Ade to know about it.

Frankly, the fact that my grades had dropped even more since the past few weeks is something Ade really didn't know about.
"My grades are very low", I said.
"Lower than usual", I added for context.

Everyone who knows me, knows that I usually get bad grades but then, this time around it was getting extremely bad. So, I just had to add the extra info for clarification.
"How low?", he said with a sullen look.
"If she doesn't improve, she might not graduate", Jordan said bluntly.
Although he was right, his words still sliced through my heart like a newly sharpened knife.

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