Chapter 36: Just kill me

Start from the beginning

"What the hell did you do? What are you?" Lee's voice rings in her head. Alexis looks up, her entire body was sore and stinging.

"I don't know." She sighs, her voice weak. "Just kill me already. I don't know anything."

"You will answer my questions." Lee drags the razor along her side. Alexis couldn't keep the tears in as her flesh ripped open, blood spilling out.

Black spots dance in her vision, and her head swam. The cold blade disappeared, Alexis lets out a breath of relief.

Then a burning filled her chest.

"Can't let ya bleed out yet." He shrugs, pouring salt over her wounds.

"Please," Alexis pleads. "just kill me."

"Sorry, not yet."

Screams echo off the walls and throughout the building as the torture continues. Alexis was consumed with a stinging, burning, excruciating pain. Her whole body screamed in agony. Every inch of her was hurting, and it never stopped.


After stopping by Bobby's house, then picking up Vivian, Sam and Dean stopped by the roadhouse.

"Hey, Ellen. Ash here?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Ellen gives him a sympathetic look. "Ash!"

"Yeah." Ash walks out and toward the bar. "Sam. Dean."

"Any news?" Sam asks.

Ash sighs. "Well, she's hard to track that's for sure, but I was able to get a area."

"Where? Where is she?" Dean demands.

"The last place I could trace her cell to was some backroad in Indiana. After that she just dropped off the radar. No trace of her anywhere." Ash explains.

"Indiana, that's a start." Dean nods. "Come on, Sam. Vivian."


"Leave him alone, please." Alexis begs as Lee walks back in. "He has nothing to do with this. Leave him alone!"

"No can do, kid. This is just the beginning. Speaking off, we have a surprise for you." Lee pulls out a syringe. "This'll make you forget what you just witnessed for a short period of time. Long enough. For us to bring in a friend. And you'll put the pieces together later."

"What--?" Alexis hisses as Lee jabs the needle in her neck. The world went dark.

After a few minutes Alexis regained consciousness and the door opened. Lee was no longer in the room. Alexis sighed in relief until he picked up a knife and walked toward her.


"So, dumbass, how is Indiana a start? We still have no clue where the hell she is?" Vivian leans against the front seat.

"We have a area, don't we? She's there. We'll find her." Dean says.

"Dean, Vivian's right. We still have no clue where she is."

"Do you two not want to find her?!" Dean snaps. "You've both been acting like its okay she's gone. Like we'll never see her again. Maybe if you two tried actually looking, or putting in some effort maybe we would have found her by now."

"Well, who's fault is it she's gone in the first place. She's been missing for almost three days now and you let her leave." Vivian bites back. "If anything, this is all your fault. My sister is fucking missing and you're the reason."

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